Love the Art of War pt34 part101

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A miniature earthquake shakes the athletic field once more with tremendous force, both girls could hear sinister laughter echo throughout the athletic field once again causing their eardrums to ring.

"AAAHAHHAAAH, I hope you two are prepared to fight for your lives." Geolem roars with laughter. Alix and Skip cover their ears while wobbling through the grass.

"Brace yourself love, his power levels seem to be greater than before," Skip warns.

"Stop telling me what to do Skip, he's strong blah blah blah blah," Alix says annoyed. Skip sighs.

Gigantic chunks of cement and stone along with hunks of dirt and gravel detaches from the ground due to Geolem's gravitational force. A glowing goo figure stands strong illuminating with aura energy that contours his robust stature, " Don't worry girls I won't let you down, I won't leave without a fight, AAHAAAAAHHHHAAA." Geolem bellows with laughter. His malicious cackle resumes echoing throughout the athletic field.

Skip shields herself diligently, she raises her arm then darts it up and down moving at the speed of light, her forearm collides with several stones as a gust of wind forms, a vicious current starts to brew creating a wind storm sweeping stones into a whirlwind, the girls are surrounded by swirling boulders and stones.

Alix dodges several rocks and boulders. "What's happening?" Alix yells while dodging boulder after boulder, stone after stone. She feels a heavy bump to her cranium. 


A stone knocks her in the head, a sharp pain causes Alix to stumble backward nearly losing sight of the next boulder,  she thrusts her arms out hauling her body forward to evade a boulder darting toward her, she dodges it, the rock flies past her, Alix falls flat to the grass.

In seconds a boulder darts towards Skip, she swerves past a black blur then ducks to avoid a stone aiming for her head, Skip dodges gigantic rocks with ease, she gracefully evades a few boulders then several stones along with large chunks of pavement. She could see her dark assailant in the distance surrounded by a swirling barrier of boulders and stones.

Geolem grins with great malice. It felt as if everything was being pulled into a black hole. They watch as the ground crumbles and cement and chunks of pavement are lifted into the air, a gravitational force detaches pieces of pavement and gravel along with enormous hunks of stone that break away from the ground and ascend into the sky.

Alix jumps to the left, Skip leaps to the right, They spring from side to side as heaping piles of cement and stone along with boulders are lifted due to their dark fiend's gravitational pull.

"This has become quite cumbersome," Skip says, A boulder nearly bashes her thigh, she swiftly springs away as the boulder crushes the ground.

Skip utilizes her titanium white arm guards as boulders are propelled her way, stones and boulders are forced from the ground while giant stones and boulders soar toward the heavens. Alix blocks her face with her forearms as more debris and stones are hurled toward the sky.

Skip stands firm utilizing her weight to the best of her ability to stay grounded while Geolem shakes the surrounding area violently. Skip protects herself by positioning her  arms in front of her  face, she could feel stones with chucks of pavement bash against her forearms, " Yahh." Skip whacks a few stones away, then jumps about with grace bobbing and weaving stone after stone, boulder after boulder.

Alix rolls to the side as a boulder crushes the dirt beside her, she quickly jumps to her feet, "Yaaah," Alix punches large stones left and right, pieces of gravel are thrashed about the clearing of the athletic field. Both teens block several chunks of pavement and rubble.

Now that Geolem had uprooted the earth's crust, everything that had ascended to the heavens was now plummeting to earth due to their foe's gravitational force.

"What  do you think he's  doing  now?" Alix yells while punching another boulder breaking it into tiny pieces.

Alix glances over at her comrade when she heard no response. There, she could see Icy blue eyes peering up toward the sky horrified.

Skip could see a brigade of stones and boulders plummeting to earth ready to reign upon them, there was no way they could block a storm of large boulders heading right for them that filled the sky like a meteor shower. Boulders and hunks of cement with chunks of gravel reign down on the girls faster than the speed of light.

Alix and Skip's eyes widen fearing for their lives as they watch a shower of boulders head for them, Alix sweats, We are going to be crushed to death, she thought.

Skip knew there was no way she could evade that many boulders plummeting down to earth at supersonic speed. She was faster than Alix so her comrade was done for. As a matter of fact, they were both done for, there were too many boulders raining down.

Plummeting faster than the speed of light several boulders plagued the sky, both girls brace themselves fearing for the worst. Both teens knew this was the end, the boulders dart right for them.

Alix stands strong ready to die, Skip stood beside her lover, they raise their fist ready to punch on coming stones and boulders. "Yaah." Alix screams thrusting her fist to punch an oncoming boulder. A deadly storm of boulders rains down on the athletic field.

Skip slowly lifts her lids expecting to feel excruciating pain from multiple rocks but she and her comrade stood unscathed, We are alive? , Skip thought. Both fighters were surprised to be alive. Alix points, "Look Skip."

Icy blue bedroom eyes peer in the direction of her comrade's finger.

There, they could see boulders being pulled in the opposite direction, large stones are whisked away from the teens as if a magnetic force had control of them.  Alix could see Geolem standing tall, they watch as boulders are molded into their dark assailant's jelly-like flesh, more stones gravitate to him like a moth to a flame, rocks are lodged deep into his flan-like exterior. An abundance of stones and boulders cover every inch of his body seeping deep into his moist thick phlegm coated surface.

Geolem who was once pure jelly stands in a frenzy of boulders, boulders whirl around him like a tornado. The demon is engulfed by boulders as chunks of stone become embedded into his gooey surface like feathers to tar. Clusters of stone become welded to his flan-like flesh as if an adhesive was used.

Several boulders plunge into his body covering his gel exterior, they watch as a stone creature is built from head to toe.

Now a bulky stone figure stood before the young fighters. A demon monk warrior stands tall eager to duel.

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora