Date or Affair pt 5 Part 72

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Date or Affair pt 5 part 72

Alix strolls to the arcade which was their meeting place, She hated the fact that she and Skip had to sneak around, she wished they could walk to the arcade hand in hand as lovers do. It did make sense to go separately in order to be discreet. What a drag. Alix thought, we just came from a class with no time to prepare for our date, which was a special event to Alix. They came straight from class to appear as if their secret date were a typical study session. Neither girl got a chance to really dress up for the occasion.

Alix peers around the arcade looking for her blue-haired date. But all she could see was snot-nosed children and tired adults being dragged around by their kids, along with teens horsing around and playing arcade games. The OK Corral was packed with consumers eating and shopping. Alix enjoyed the blaring music playing throughout the fun zone. She felt exhilarated from the vivacious atmosphere. Which she hadn't felt in a long time since she cut back on her troublesome behavior.

She glances around the fun center once more feeling slightly panicked, Alix peers through a crowd, did Skip stand her up? , where the hell was she? Skip was a fickle witch, she often seemed inconsiderate when it came to others. She might have changed her mind on the spur of the moment. Now the pinkette was worried as she peered about the game center and saw everything but Skipper, She spots an empty section with tables, only a few consumers occupied the area. Alix saunters over to a seating section of the arcade, I'll just wait here for Skip if she hadn't stood me up yet.

Alix turns around to take a seat ."Skip." She shouts with her face full of happiness she reaches out to hug the lithe girl who was already seated at a round table.

"Please remember we must behave imperceptibly," Skip says her tone gentle. Skip had her face hidden by a menu. Alix snickers. "Nice plan."

Alix smiles while leaning into the bluenette's face. "Skip let's get some chow, I'm starving."  Skip peers into pink pools. She could feel her face becoming warm once again. Dammit. Skip slinked away feeling awkward.

What was wrong with her she never felt this strange around Alix before, they already had sexual relations in the past so why was she feeling awkward. She had gazed into those pink lemonade pools several times already, but this time things felt different. Skip lowers her head. "Y- yes, l- let's g-get something to eat." She replies feeling slightly tense.

Alix grabs Skip by the hand startling the stoic girl. "Well come on." They find a booth seat near a window at an eatery in the arcade. Alix and Skip look over their menus that had been dropped off by a waitress. Ugh, Skip scowled, "No Maitre' D."  Alix lifts a brow, "Skip this ain't no ritzy restaurant, geez, well excuse me princess," Alix says sarcastically.  "I do miss the delicacies of the affluent." Skip places a hand to her cheek resting her head. "Caviar, truffles, Kobe beef and Yubari king melon." She actually hated the king melon, she disliked the spicy flavor of the cantaloupe but Belladonna always made her eat it. Belladonna's favorite meals were fast food when she could indulge in the best cuisine money could buy.

Skip sighs. "Now I'm forced to consume carbonated substances of low quality and process crud you call nourishment."

"Skippy chill," Alix says. The waitress returns and takes their orders.  "I'll get ya whatever you want Skip," Alix says smiling while resting her cheek on her hand, her gaze amorous, her eyes appeared to be drowsy with love. The bluenette stares at Alix with a deadpan expression. " I do not have an appetite at the moment." Skip replies. Alix shrugs "Okay Skippy baby." Ugh, Skip hated Alix's mushy tone. Skip's stomach grumbles. Alix peers at the bluenette baffled, What was that?

Alix heard a grumbling sound, she thought, It's probably my annoying hair tie again, those buffoons in her duffel bag could never seem to shut up.

Skip felt humiliated, she couldn't pay for a thing due to the fact she decorated a dump she and her grandmother called home. Skip made sure to purchase the essentials, bedding, small pieces of furniture. various fixtures, toiletries, and culinary appliances. She had used the last of her allotted funds she received from Belladonna's father, he was the one paying for her education. Skip felt in the future she would have to marry Belladonna.  After all, that girl has done so much for her even though her heart was elsewhere.

Skip's thoughts are interrupted, by a sweet lovey-dovey voice. "Skip you wanna fry." Alix smiles from ear to ear holding a french fry in her tutor's face. Skip didn't realize that the waitress had returned with the rebel's order so soon. She was starving. "I respectfully decline," Skip says. "Come on Skippy try it," Alix begs. "Fine." Skip replies, her voice monotone. Alix places a fry between the bluenette's thin lips. It was a spicy fry Skip's least favorite flavor. Ugh, but she was grateful for the potato stick.

"Skip." Alix's happy expression was wiped away with an unsettling look. My parents have been fighting a lot lately. Mom says dad is simple-minded and refuses  to  face reality and  realize that there are other things to live for besides our family business." "I see." , Skip responds averting her eyes away from the pink haired girl's plate piled with fries. She feels a faint nudge from Alix's foot. Skip could feel her face becoming warm, she was flushed from her shoulders to her ears.

Skip slowly but surely reciprocates, she lifts her foot and nudges the pinkette back.   Alix smiles gazing at Skip, their feet bump one another playfully under the table. Skip couldn't believe she was playing footsies with her delinquent student who was now her girlfriend. What has she become?

She dare not say the word... CHEATER.

Alix bellows with laughter, "Skippy your face it's so funny, your so red." Skip peers down at the table hoping to see a menu, but unfortunately, the waitress had taken those earlier. Skip wished there was something around to cover her face. She sighs, this was embarrassing.

"Skippy I think your cute," Alix says, placing her hand on her tutor's. Skip looks at Alix with a blank stare, she felt humiliated, Skip wanted to disappear at this point. "Please, not here there are witnesses. " Skip whispers. "Oh Skippy peanut butter stop, I know you like me and I like you too."  Alix's voice seemed to be getting mushier by the minute, her cheeks were rosy while gazing at her tutor lovingly. 

 "I suppose your right." Skip replies nonchalantly trying to appear composed. Alix grins while glancing down at Skip's slender fingers. "Skippy I like your nails and hair." Skip blushes. "I - I -I fancy your quarrelsome personality and vigor." A minuscule smile graces the bluenette's face. Alix thought she would let that slide, Skip was really trying to be human. Since she was always a stiff upper lip, cold and aloof.

"Skip I like everything about you." Alix raises her foot rubbing Skip's leg under the table, the puny girl twitches slightly. Her face felt hot now. "Please excuse me." Skip heads to a nearby restroom in the arcade.

Alix waits outside the bathroom, She observes her clothes. Skip didn't say anything about how I looked. Alix unbuttons her blouse a little revealing some cleavage. Her jugs were now exposed stuffed in a pink push-up bra. Alix chuckles to herself, don't wanna be too slutty.

She turns around quickly hearing a door squeak, there Skip appeared standing near her. Please stop, please stop. Skip begged inside but no use her constant blushing resumed.

"Skip lets head home, we can do more at your granny's place." Alix takes Skip's hand, The bluenette looked away still blushing, she wanted to let go but her heart said hold on tight.

Skip glares at Alix while being led out of the fun center. "Must you be so overt?" The stoic tutor complained. They step outside feeling scorching rays from the sun on their skin. Alix smiles." I love summer because I usually get school off. " Skip sighs. "It's all the same year-round for us tutors." Alix jumps startling Skip, "Holy crap, there." Alix was horrified.

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