extra: Stranger Danger part 1

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Stranger danger

     Skip was exhausted from a long assiduous day of toiling away hunched over her desk, her neck ached and her back felt slightly stiff. Icy blue bedroom eyes peer up toward a roman numeral wall clock, it read 6:30 pm. This was a typical day for the bluenette and most of the week since she was always bogged down with work from Evercrest Academy. Skipper Greenmore practically lived at Evercrest Academy when it came to her duties as a  student council vice president.

Skip was shocked.

 Has it really been that long? Skip was always a hard worker and a dedicated student to her school but now she would have to stop and head home to be on time for dinner.

Skip peers at her phone to see if she had received any texts from her girlfriend, there she could see, nothing, not even a phone call. Skip sighs, she began to place various items into her attache case, she quickly places a binder into her suitcase along with some academy documents.  Skipper was just about cleaned up and ready to leave when she heard a creak near the doorway of the student study room. Skip turns her head to see what was there, there she could see no one. 

Well, Skipper wasn't surprised, there wasn't a soul at the school during this time, It was evening and against academy rules to be on school grounds at this time. Unless you were a faculty member or had a good reason to be on the premises, and of course, the role model student did. Skip was finishing up lesson plans for busy faculty members.

Skip mentally pouted when she did not receive a response from Alix because earlier they had planned to meet after school when she had completed her tutor assignments.

Skip presses the call icon on her smartphone to contact her girlfriend, after a few rings Skip gave up in dismay. This was unusual for the pinkette to not respond, Skip always noticed that Alix would get back to her immediately, a matter of fact Alix would text her most of the time about everything and anything.

Feeling slightly worried Skip locks the study room door and heads out of the academy. 

 Possibly Alix decided to hang out with her friends instead of meeting me after hours at the academy. Skip sulked, her thoughts are interrupted by heavy footsteps.


Skip quickly turns around to face this anonymous being, the footsteps sounded overbearing, possibly belonging to one of gargantuan stature. Icy blue eyes peer into an empty dark street, there were only the teen and her shadow present, nothing more, silence filled the bluenette's ears. 

Skip warily faces front unsure of what she heard and begins to amble down the sidewalk past her academy. Skip grips her attache case handle tightly as her mind begins to wander. 

Maybe I'm hearing things, That has to be it.  Skip realized that she had been working way too hard lately because of her overwhelming schedule which was probably the cause of her weary mind. Skip believed that her tired mind was somehow causing her to imagine things.

Skip had to produce several lesson plans for the fall semester and supervise the patrol committee. It was her job to make sure that the academy's environment was appropriate. Skip was swamped with school work due to the fact she was a high honors student and on top of that, she had basketball practice. So her plate was full, actually, it was a heaping pile.

Yes, that's what it is, my mind is playing tricks on me... Skip thought. 

A noise startles Skipper bringing her back to reality, the puny girl nearly jumps out of her pale skin, she felt disturbed. She peers back at a raggedy chipped wooden fence that swung open, the door was nearly hanging off the hinges. 

Skipper could see that a trash can had fallen to the ground. She swiftly turns around and peers from side to side to see what was there. There was nothing around but Skipper and the abandoned street close to the outskirts of town.

Skip swallows hard, she could feel her heart began to pound against her petite chest as she scans the secluded area cautiously for a second time.

The atmosphere did seem eerie now that she had made her way from the school and past the sparse city streets to the outskirts of town. Skip feels chills run up her spine as she began to stride through the abandoned neighborhood.

Maybe it's my girlfriend, Skip thought as she continues to huff down the dark and dismal street with only moonlight and a few street lamps to light her path.  Alix always enjoyed pranking her and being mischievous along with her rowdy friends who enjoyed hanging out in seedy places.

Skip stops dead in her tracks taking in the dark, seedy derelict houses that once had inhabitants but due to a toxic septic issue, the residents had to evacuate the premises. 

Staring into the darkness of night Skip's lips part.  

"Alix ?" Skip says, her voice feeble and soft, the girl stares into the shadows where the street lights could not reach.

Skipper's eyes widen with fear, she feels her stomach drop as she froze in place. Skip began to tremble from what she saw. She did her best to refrain her knees from knocking together. There, she could see, a tall muscular silhouette of a man, he was quite large in stature and very fit. Skip began to feel a strong energy flow from the darkness where the strange man stood. He had long red angular scars that resembled claw scratches all over his body glowing in the darkness.

Icy blue eyes stare intently into Skipper's ice blue bedroom eyes. She was mortified, his energy seems to drain her, the mysterious man's lips part, his voice deep and stern.

 "Skipper come 'ere," The stranger lifts a hand then gestures with his forefinger for her to come near as he stood in the shadows.

Skip shakes her head slowly while stepping back as a terrified expression conquered her young face. The man appeared to be in his mid-twenties.

 "Do not cower before me," The fellow hisses, his tone gruff, His lean shredded physique could be seen slightly since there was less lighting near the fence where the waste bin had collapsed.

He gazes intensely into icy blue bedroom eyes, but before the unknown man could utter another word Skipper was gone, he was surprised that the lithe girl could sprint so fast. In an instant she was a blur, he could see the young teen dashing off into the darkness of the dilapidated neighborhood.

The anonymous fellow's eyes move aimlessly about the wide empty street, there were only a few street lamps that actually worked, some areas were lit by lights while the surrounding area was pitch black.

He suddenly sensed something but what was it...?

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz