Fight 1 nightmare part 5

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Fight 1 nightmare part 5 I thought this music was quite fitting for this part. enjoy. sorry, couldn't find an extended version,  if it goes well with your reading put it on repeat. lol.

Both teens could feel the ground rumbling below their feet.

 "What's going on?" Alix yells.  

Alix and Greenmore wobble about trying to retain their balance while large tentacles ripple beneath the playground destroying everything in their wake.

They look up frightened as a monster looms over them, both girls are unable to fathom the situation. 

 " If this is another one of your pranks I'm not amused," Greenmore snaps at Alix.

 "Seriously that thing has nothing to do with me," Alix whines. A gigantic tentacle crashes against the dirt missing both girls by a few inches knocking them across the park.

 Greenmore is hurled into the air, she lands on her back in the grass. Alix falls from above screaming while flapping her arms wildly, her body is thrown on top of her student tutor. Their bodies become intertwined. 

"Get off." Greenmore squirms trying to get from under her classmate.  Alix honestly had no idea she was pinning the bluenette down. 

  " I'm gonna in a minute," Alix grumbles. She tries to get up as a burning sensation begins to grow within her hand. They feel something like pins pricking their flesh constantly. 

"let go,"  Greenmore demands.

 " I can't."  Alix glances down, Greenmore turns her head to see that an aura was emitting from their clasped hands.

 "What's happening ?" Alix shouts becoming frantic.

Alix feels a slight pain in her gut when heaving a few times until something emerges from her mouth. Greenmore flinches as a small vitamin-shaped object pelts her in the face. Alix leans over her tutor breathing heavily.

 " W-What is this?" Alix could see a small bullet-shaped object that was half blue and pink like a pill.

Saliva drips from Alix's mouth while shes bent over her tutor trying to catch her breath. Some saliva drips from her open mouth onto Greenmore's cheek. She delicately picks the object off the bluenette's face peering at it with curiosity. Another tentacle appears behind them, it thrashes toward them, they roll out of the way just in time. The creature bashes the ground between them sending both girls in opposite directions from the impact.

Propelled through the air Alix hits the ground hard.

 "Ow, my butt. " She grunts rubbing her bottom. Alix leans up slowly. I'm alive. She feels sand on her fingertips while trying to stand. The pinkette feels something metal against her hand, she peers down. Alix recognizes the firearm laying in the sandbox, it was that futuristic gun from that strange dream she had earlier.

That dreamThis playground, Alix reminisces. She picks up the gun then searches for the strange oval object that reminded her of a bullet, Alix spots it in the grass nearby.

Towering over Greenmore the monstrosity glares with its mouth open full of fangs watching her with every eye on its body. Roaring the creature releases a putrid smell of rotting flesh permeating the area  with a rancid stench. The bluenette shook with fear even though she was trying her best to conceal how horrified she truly was. Thrusting its limbs with sharp blades on the ends the demon struck the ground several times trying to strike her. Greenmore leaps from side to side just in time dodging its attempts to cut her. Every movement from the gargantuan beast made the surrounding area quake causing Greenmore to fall.

  Seeing that its target was defenseless the monster raises a greasy tentacle then crushes it to the ground missing Greenmore by a few inches, the beast could see that the girl was still alive. The monster leans down and parts its jaws releasing a strong current that blows Greenmore backward, She tumbles to the dirt unable to regain her balance. The creature whacks cement sending debris and rubble into the air along with the bluenette. She grabs onto a pink tentacle dripping with slime fearing she'll fall to her death.

Noticing the tiny mortal the creature began vigorously wriggling its arm. Greenmore could barely grip the limb of the colossal assailant as the macabre being continues whirling its arm rapidly. She was spindled then twisted, It whips an arm around as the bluenette was hanging on for dear life. It twirls her around hoping she will fall, digging her nails deep into the monster Greenmore thwarts its attempt to shake her off. Once more the creature tries shaking her off wriggling its tentacle fiercely, with one final jerk she is flung to the earth's crust. 

"I will send you to the dark realm," The monster slurs with many demonic voices.

A tentacle lashes out at the blue-haired girl as she lay in the grass helpless. Could this be the end, her mind was terrified. A tentacle aims right for her, Greenmore feels excruciating pain.

In seconds an odd bullet-like object was now above Greenmore's head. She watches as tubes emerge from small openings where screws once were. All four tubes plunge into her head, She feels a sharp pain as the tubes hold her head in place. The device opens at the base and a spinning drill emerges drilling deep into her skull. Greenmore endures agonizing pain, it felt like someone was stripping her skin off. When the hole was large enough the oval object inserts itself then a white aura washes over her.

The luminous white aura dissolves revealing a robot. The creature lashes a tentacle at the robotic warrior from behind, in the blink of an eye, with ease the bot holds the demon's gigantic limb in place with one hand. The monster struggles to get loose yanking its tentacle. The battleborg keeps still unphased by the gigantic foe jerking backward. With one strong thrust forward the robot tears off the monster's arm.

 Hot steamy orange blood sprays the surrounding area as the demon roars in agony, it starts to swat at the bot, with grace the robot dodges several sharp blades. It takes the torn limb with a blade on the end and cuts the monstrosity in two. Innards gush out the top of its head like an erupting volcano.

The mysterious mecha leaps from tentacle to tentacle then bashes the monster in the head, metal fingers penetrate pink skin digging deep into the creature's cranium and ripping out its organs from the top. The metal warrior continues to pull everything out of the oozing cavity then the battleborg powers up releasing a gamma-ray from its mouth.

The demon disintegrates in white light by a massive gamma-ray so bright it blinds Alix.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Alix jumps up in bed. "Another Nightmare, why am I having these dreams?"

Alix wipes sweat from her forehead.

I have to see Greenmore immediately, is she alright?

Alix looks at her clock,  For once in her life she was going to be on time for school. It was 4:30 am.

A familiar pain returns, Alix rushes to the bathroom to run water on her burning hand, she had to see if Greenmore was hurt or even alive.

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