Hidaki's return/ Premonition of a Charlatan Part 50 pt3

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Alix rushes outside from Skip's apartment complex, She bolts through the doors in a huff still angry from confronting Skip. What the hell, why is Skip being a jerk.  Alix thought. Why is she being like this? I thought we were a couple but all she can say is that the matter does not concern me?

We are supposed to be a couple and shes kissing another girl.

Alix trudges down the city street and all she wanted to do was hold Skip but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. She peers up seeing Asher and Ran. "Sup," Asher says. Both girls grin at the pinkette. Asher could tell Alix was not in a good mood.

"Yo girl what's wrong?" Asher asked. "Yeah, you look troubled," Ran said.

"It 's nothing really guys, I'm just tired from studying," Alix replies. 

Alix didn't want to admit that she was head over hills for her student tutor who was a piece of crap, she sleeps with her while shes involved with another girl.

Asher rubs her head. "Well since Ran is back I thought you'd be happy." She peers over at Alix while Ran walks ahead. "Guys lets get some drinks." Ran says trotting ahead of both girls. Alix gives Asher a blank stare.

Asher was hoping that Ran would take Alix's mind off of whatever was troubling her, maybe Alix and Ran could rekindle their love.

Asher nudges her. " You know."

Alix looks away from Asher while fidgeting with her hands nervously, Asher glances at  Alix then her eyes dart to Ran whose oblivious walking ahead eager to get a beer.

"Hint, hint " Asher peers back at Alix raising her brows up then down constantly,  Alix scratches her head blushing slightly. Ran was sexy and always knew how to have a good time. They were very compatible, they both enjoyed trouble, arcades, drinking parties, skipping classes and fighting.

Alix continues to fidget with her hands some more wanting to change the subject.

"How're things going at your boarding school ?" Alix asks. Asher sighs, "It's going well, I met a girl she's cute ya know, she has five big brothers and nobody messes with her, so the kids decided back off at school.

 "Glad to hear that," Alix says then smiles. Ran turns back to face both girls, "Guys we're at the store." Ran says. 

Asher rubs her hands together, " Time for a five-finger discount." Asher says. Alix grins, "Right."


Ran looks at Alix's head. "Where did  that noise come from ?"  Ran comes closer to investigate where she had heard a sound, she thought, she heard the noise was near Alix's head. "Something just sneezed, what was that?" Ran questioned.

 Alix quickly covers her head with both hands. "I- it was nothing," Alix replies. Ran closely examines the pinkette's hair. "I guess I'm hearing things," Ran says while shrugging. 

 "Will you guys come on I want some beer dammit,"  Asher shouts.

"Okay I'm coming." Ran rushes to join Asher near the convenience store entrance.

Phew, that was close, Alix peers up at her hair tie. "Will you guys stuff a sock in it." Alix demands.  Obbo giggles, "Sorry I sneezed." Oben opens his eyes. "Shaddap fatso, you're lucky I don't got my arms no more, I'd crown ya so hard..." Obu interrupts, "Both of you fools silence at once, I am trying to sleep."

 "Guys shhhhh. "  Alix whispers while placing a finger to her lips.

 Asher waves a hand gesturing Alix to come on.  She runs to Asher and Ran. Just like old times, Alix thought while smiling from ear to ear, the old gang was almost all together again.

That evening at the Oasis Apartment complex.

'You thought I'd never find out about your dirty rendezvous.' Skip  could hear  Alix's voice  as  clear  as  day.

Skip peers out her bedroom window watching the sunset become a night sky.

'Hey Skippy peanut butter.' Alix smiles. Skip could picture the pink-haired delinquent as she touches her lips. That bubble gum headed neanderthal was furious about something but what?

Skip did not have time to search her mind for such nonsense, she shook any thoughts from her mind about the pink-haired rebel. The bluenette places her red ink pen to a student's assignment sheet. Skip sighs, well back to work, she eyes a stack of papers to correct that sat on her desk.

What is this, goodness, incorrect, incorrect, she circles an error with a red ink pen. Ludicrous, Skip sighs. She continues to work diligently at her desk in her room.

A slam on the door breaks her concentration...

What in the blue blazes... Skip ambles from her desk into the living room.

There, Skip spots an old woman leaned up against the wall with her arms folded. She looked about ninety years old wearing a beige Gi with purple bunny slippers. She wore her hair in two grey puff balls which sat on either side of her head. 

Skip glares at the elder lady, "Do you mind keeping it down, I have several assignments to correct, it is mandatory faculty receives them first thing tomorrow morning," Skip says.

"Easy there Skipper is that any way to greet your elder, and besides that noise wasn't me, it was the dark forces, can't you sense it ?" The grey old bag replied.

Skip places her hands on her hips, 'Dark forces', "that's enough, you've been consuming an abundance of Jargon, no more Flix fix."  The bluenette says her tone harsh.

 Skip thought that if she just ignored this evil seed dark force nonsense it would just go away, I have other plans, Skip thought. I refuse to part take in such hogwash. I fought some monsters, it's over...

"But Skipper the evil energy, its coming." The elder nagged.

" I'll cancel your subscription first thing tomorrow." Skip turns to leave the living room.

A booming thud crashes against the door tearing it down, Skip turns around surprised. A giant fist lunges past her face centimeters away, she could feel a gust of wind from the force of a punch.

A monster stands before the old hag and teen.

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