Orbit Bros pt5 A Weak link's strong points part 23

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Alix chuckles, Skip takes a gander at Obbo soaring through the air set ablaze. 

"It's not amusing," Skip says sternly.  

 "That's because you don't have a sense of humor," Alix replies chuckling, she continues to be entertained by Obbo's unfortunate incident.

Obu stands with Oben.

Obu sighs then stretches his arm toward a water fountain in the courtyard, he places four wiery blue fingers into a pool within the fountain. He eases his hand into the water, tiny openings on the tips of his fingers absorb liquid. 

"He looks like an overgrown marshmallow at a campfire," Alix says while laughing, the rebel was still amused. 

"Aye Skip, you want some smores," Alix says chuckling, she continues to poke fun at  Obbo.

  The pinkette places her hand on Skip's shoulder, the bluenette doesn't respond. Alix peers at her tutor. She noticed Skip was fixated on the elder demonic alien. 

"Look," Skip says softly.

 Obu resumes absorbing water into his fingers. Skip watches him, She begins to sense something, his energy is darker than his accomplices.

Obu drains the fountain of water, once the fountain was dry he raises an arm. They watch as his arm ascends into the sky, higher and higher. The alien fighter's arm like putty stretches upward.

Obbo still airborne flails about still burning. 

"AAAAAHHH someone help," Obbo cries out. 

Obu raises his hand stretching further, he continues to extend his arm. Both girls watch in awe. The alien's arm appears beside the flaming blob of fat, his finger tips spray water onto the burning obese fighter like a  hose. After extinguishing the fire, Obu's taffy-like arm coils around Obbo's ankle. He gives one mighty tug yanking his younger brother toward the ground.

"AAAAAAAaaaah," Obbo screams.

 Everyone watches as a chunky demon falls out of the sky and crashes to the ground burned black. Smoke steams off his bubble butt while his body lay in the grass singed.

 "Nice going blubber butt," Oben Shouts to Obbo whose suffering from first degree burns. He rests on his knees with his bottom perched in the air.

Obbo goes into a catatonic state, he lies on the ground as his mind drifts away. 

"Has he gone unconscious the overgrown fool," Obu mutters.

"Mom the other fighters are picking on me, they're saying I'm too weak to climb a tree."  Little Obbo sobs.

 "Their right son, you're not strong enough to lift your weight," His mother snaps. Obbo tried but could not climb the tree to the treehouse where all the other demonlings were playing. 

Obbo had an issue because layers of lard were weighing him down like an anchor. It would be easier if they just got a ladder but his mother refused and wanted her children to gain strength. 

"Mom can't we just get a ladder then I could reach it so I can play with the other demonlings," Her son suggested. 

 "Obbo honey how will you grow strong if I coddle you," Haggus barks. 

She backhands him, Obbo falls to the floor. 

"M-Mom that hurt," He cries.  

"It was supposed to," Haggus walks away disgusted with her feeble son.

Obbo sits outside thinking of ways to better himself. I could try to exercise my arms and maybe go on a diet. He finishes a box of cookies. He suddenly heard footsteps, Obbo peers up, his eyes meet a group of alien demonlings. 

"Aye, it's Obbo the loser," One bully says while the others laugh. 

"Obbo the blobbo, Obbo the blobbo." The demonlings chant.

 "He can't do anything right because he's too fat," The demonlings holler and hoot getting a kick out of making fun of the chunky orbit brother. They leave Obbo to wallow in his own sorrow. 

"One day I'll show them," Obbo says while wiping tears from his eyes. 

"Once I grow strong enough I can utilize my weight and it won't be an issue," He grumbles as tears roll down his chubby cheeks.

As time went on Obbo began to train in secret to avoid being ridiculed. Now older the demonlings return to wreak havoc once more.

 "Hey there lard boy still eating from your trough I see," A demon punk says.

Another punk chimes in. 

"He's gotten bigger, the bovine," The teenage demon says while the others demons laugh. Obbo grins.

"You're right I have gotten bigger," Obbo says then smiles wide.

Obbo darts toward them with lightning speed. 

" Palm striker." Obbo lunges his palms forth striking one bully in the face crushing his skull. Obbo leaps into the air.

 "Sumo crusher." He slams his bottom to the dirt pressing another demon into the earth's crust. The posse retreats after witnessing the attacks of their obese opponent.

 "Let's get outta here, he's dangerous," The bullies shout. Obbo stands notorious as he watches his foes disappear into the distance of the forest. 

"All you do is eat, you swine." 

Obbo whips around to face another jerk.

 How dare they disrespect me, never again

He turns around surprised to see his brothers, he was caught off guard expecting more demonlings, the large fighter ceases his anger.

 Oben and Obu stand strong as usual.

 "Mother has sent us to fetch you. We have a mission and we mustn't be tardy," Obu says lifting a bony finger. Obbo felt weak once again, he was no match for his brothers.

 "We must get going Evil Seed has called us forth," Obu says while Oben leads the way. Obbo perked up, this would be the perfect opportunity to prove himself worthy to all. 

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