extra A tear in our world pt 1

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On a clear sunny day in November Alix and Skip stroll from EverCrest Academy walking hand and hand to Alix's home.  Alix loved feeling her girlfriend's smooth skin when holding her hand, Skip's slender hand always felt soft and warm. When they were close Alix could always smell her student tutor's sweet scent of vanilla and strawberries.

 My girlfriend is so adorable and sexy, Alix thought while eyeing Skip. Even though they were complete opposites somehow they managed to be in a loving relationship. 

Skip ambles beside Alix holding her attache case walking stiffly while her girlfriend swings her duffel bag back and forth. Both girls walk happily to Alix's house. Earlier that day they decided to study at Alix's home because her house had heat, unlike Skip's late grandfather's abandon home.

  They had made plans to study at  Alix's place because her home had a heating system but the rebel wanted a better reason why they couldn't hang out at Skip's house beside the fact the old house was too cold.   

Alix smiles at her girlfriend who gives a shy smile in return.

 "Skip?" Alix says.  

" Yes." The bluenette replies. 

"Why can't we go to your place I like it better, we can do more stuff, not just play footsies,"  Alix complains. Skip looks away from Alix.

 "It's better if we study at your place, grandmother has been trying to meditate to further her supernatural abilities." Skip sighs. 

 Alix smiles peering at her girlfriend. 

" Your granny sure is into training, she's really determined, she reminds me of you, now I know where you get your  stamina from." Alix complements. Skip's face turns beet red, she hated that she could never control her constant blushing.  Skip always felt even more embarrassed when she blushed.

 " I wish I could perceive her in such a manner," Skip says while peering back at Alix as they stroll down the street.

They make their way to the front door of  Alix's new home.  Since the divorce her mother had to work and Alix lived like common folk now, it had been a few weeks and Alix didn't miss her mansion much, she lived in a modest home with her mother. She lived in a railroad house that was cramped and cluttered with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. 

Alix turns the doorknob and steps into her home, her sneakers rest on a dirty rug that had been stepped on several times already, Skip peers down at the dirty doormat, it read home sweet home. After a few moments of silence the rebel turns back, she could see that her girlfriend staring at the floor.

Why is Skip just standing there, maybe she doesn't like my new place since it is a drastic change from how I used to live, Alix thought.

 Alix gently pulls Skip inside her small home by the hand.

"Come on Skippy we don't have all day," Alix says with a sweet tone. 

Skip follows behind her girlfriend.

 "Mom?" Alix hollers while glancing around her living room.

 "My mom is not home, she must be working late again." Alix notices the television was turned off and the house was quiet. They make their way to Alix's bedroom which was further toward the back end of her house.

 Once both teens made it to Alix's room,  Skipper watches Alix plop on her bed, the bluenette ambles to a small nightstand near Alix's bed and places her attache case on it. Alix gazes at the blue-haired girl as she walks over to her.

 "What ?" Skip asked as she sits with ease on the bed beside her girlfriend. Alix starts to laugh. 

"Skip your face it looks so stupid, you always make that dumb face," Alix chuckles. 

"My face ?" Now Skip was feeling self-conscious, she touches her cheek. 

"What's wrong with my face?" Skip asks.

Alix grabs her stomach laughing harder. Skip's face begins to turn red. 

"You always have that look." Alix pokes Skip's nose gently while having a hardy laugh.

Skip takes a compact mirror out of her attache case and peers at her reflection, she tilts her head slightly to the right while examining her face. Alix eases her arms around her girlfriend's waist from behind while  Skip gazes into a  mirror.

 "I suppose my face is quite amusing," Skip says. 

She could still hear Alix laughing.  Skip observes herself even closer now, she looks at her bedroom eyes, they appear drowsy.

 " I must appear fatigued and my large ears do appear awkward as well."  Skip's voice starts to sound a little melancholy.  Alix tries her best to stop laughing, she notices how flushed her girlfriend's face was.

Alix nudges Skip gently with her chin.

 "No, I don't think you look bad, I love everything about you babe, it's that deadpan look you have, it's funny," Alix explains.

 Skip sighs.  " I have that expression naturally there is nothing I can do to alter it." Skip says sternly. Alix starts to giggle, she quickly places a hand to her mouth. 

 "Baby I love your face, you're so beautiful," Alix says while doing her best to shake the laughter from her lips, she places her sunkissed arms around Skip's neck, the bluenette soon feels her girlfriend's warm lips smooch her neck.

Skip retires.

 " No, we need to study." Skip pulls herself forward to slide off the bed.  Alix reaches for Skip's arm, tanned fingers quickly grasp Skip's shoulderless sweater sleeve yanking the bluenette back on the bed. "No don't leave," Alix says. Skip could feel soft blankets below her bottom once again.   

Alix smiles while pushing her girlfriend down on the bed. 

"We don't have to study  just yet, my mom is not here so we can mess around."  The pinkette says with a lovey-dovey tone. Alix has Skip by both her wrist pinning the bluenette to the mattress.

Alix leans down and begins to kiss and suck her girlfriend's neck, Skip flinches slightly feeling her girlfriend's warm tongue against her skin. Alix could feel her girlfriend squirm with every lick from her tongue, She chose to plant sweet kisses on her girlfriend's neck knowing it was Skipper's weakness. 

Alix  Smiles to herself I know all my babe's weak spots, she's lucky I didn't go for the ears then I'd really have her moaning.  Alix starts to suck Skip's neck harder as if she might give her a hickey. 

Alix lifts her head and eases her tongue from between her lush lips, her pink muscle laps at the puny girl's earlobe, she gently clamps down on the lithe girl's ear and sucks on it as if it were a lollipop. Skip's soft moans fill  Alix's ears, she could hear her girlfriend's salacious sounds which made her feel hot. 

Damn, what a  turn on, Alix thought.

Skip wanted to do things as well, but she always felt cautious at Alix's place because Gertrude Alix's mother was usually home most of the time when they studied. But today was different of course they had the place to themselves.

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