Strongest Flame part 6 Orbit bros.Part 32

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Orbit brothers strongest flame pt 6. pt 33

Oben Raises his arms as the sky transforms into a sanguine hue. His aura power was stronger than before as he collects an abundance of energy. Both teens watch as orbs made of aura energy soar into his open palms.

Alix and Skip peer towards the red sky ready to take on whatever their foe was planning. Orbs of energy swirl toward his hands as he collects dark aura power. In seconds he builds energy ferociously filling the sky with several glowing  orbs

His hands illuminate with bright spheres of light. 

Oben lips part. " Meteor reign!"

The sky lights up with fire as meteorites reign down from the heavens, both girls brace themselves. Alix rolls out the way as a meteor crushes the area beside her. She moves in a nick of time. Skip leaps to the side avoiding another large meteorite.

"Let's see if you pathetic mortals can handle my wrath." Oben releases several more meteors from the sky. Alix makes an attempt to dodge a  meteorite, fortunately, the meteor swerves past her,  it misses her by a long shot, she stumbles beside a large crater watching the meteorite disappear into the distance.

 Skip bobs and weaves constantly overworking herself to move faster, She felt sluggish trying to dodge giant meteorites. She springs over a void in the ground seeing several massive holes that covered the courtyard clearing. Multiple meteors shower down on the girls as they do their best to evade his special attacks while lacking in agility. Both girls pivot, falter and toss themselves to avoid being crushed by a brigade meteors.

A meteorite pelts down toward the pinkette,  she swiftly counters attacks the meteor.

 "Fire shot!" Alix thrust her flaming fist forward releasing two fireballs. It burns the meteor before it could hit her. 

"Yeah, score!" Alix shouts watching the meteor disintegrate. Another shoots from behind it at full speed. Caught off guard the pinkette freezes in shock about to be crushed.

 With open arms Skip appears in front of Alix, she catches it shielding Alix from the meteor. She grits her teeth enduring agonizing pain as she pushes forward. I didn't think the task would be so cumbersome. She attempted to hold off a meteorite flying at a supersonic speed which was driving them to the ground.

 Her hands begin to bleed as the coarse surface of the meteor erodes her skin away, like a spinning wheel it spins ferociously forcing them into the earth's crust. 

I - I Can't hold it, Skip worries. Thinking of Alix whose behind her. They are hurled to the ground at high-speed hitting the ground hard. 

The bluenette proceeds to push forward with all her strength, Skip presses her hands against the surface while Alix places her hands on the rapidly spinning space rock.

 "UGHHHH GRRRRH."  Skip grunts enduring the massive meteor's velocity, she could feel it ripping away the material of her fighting gloves.

 Alix peers at Skip who has her eyes shut tightly while gritting her teeth. Skip was feeling sharp jolts of pain run through her arms, she was biting down so hard she thought her teeth were going to chip.

Alix gives it her all sweating profusely as she applies more pressure than before pushing with all her might. It seemed they weren't making any progress as the space rock continued to drive them into the dirt. Alix pushes the meteor harder as her hands begin to create an imprint into its surface. Alix could feel it pressing down on her legs. 

Skip resumes her position, she proceeds to force it forward ignoring the discomfort of her legs being crushed. 

"Its gonna kill us." Alix yells. Skip begins to sweat blood, she felt aches all over her exerted body. She pushes on as the meteor begins to press down on them, the space rock slowly start to smash their torsos.

"SKIIIIIIIIP, I'm not strong enough," Alix screams.

As if the bluenette was deaf she kept her hands in place persistently thrusting the meteor forward. The pinkette's arms turn red from being strained with the weight of the meteorite. Alix's arms start to spasm as the weight from the meteor applies tension to her joints, she could feel her arms about to give out. The meteorite's velocity seemed unbearable driving them vigorously into the ground deeper than before.

Oben smiles garishly,  " I knew  mortal  scum couldn't handle  me, I'm almighty." Oben watches the teens struggle to their death.

Skip begins to extend her arms thrusting the juggernaut of a meteorite forward, beads of sweat raced down her face along with blood. Their surroundings looked like a war zone with explosions everywhere.

Skip could see her hands creating a deep indentation in the space rock's surface. She gives one final thrust with gusto and in seconds the meteorite is propelled into an oncoming meteor. That darts back shooting toward Oben, He sways to the side watching the meteor fly past him.

He senses Skip's aura power quickly assessing her energy.

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