The Orbit Brothers pt 2 Part 20

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orbit brothers part 2 part 20

Alix rushes to her tutor's side quickly grabbing  Skip's slender waist to keep her from collapsing to the linoleum floor. Alix rummages through her duffel bag to see if she could find any medication to help Skip who appeared to be having a stomachache. 

"You don't look well," Alix says. Skip tries to lift her head.

" I know that genius." Skip says weakly then quickly places her hand back over her mouth, Skip appeared paler than usual. 

" You need some nice fresh air, I bet you've been in this room all day. I just know it," Alix says leading the feeble girl by the waist.

Skip tries to speak but could barely open her mouth as they both pass the infirmary. Once at a  pair of double doors, Alix opens the doors to the courtyard.

 A beautiful sight of lush greenery covered the courtyard grounds, the area was spacious as large as the school's quad. Flower beds, rose bushes and statues of historical figures align the walkways. There were pillars that sat adjacent to large lavish vases and sculptures along with elaborate water fountains that decorated the courtyard. 

Feeling the warmth from the sunlight, Skip forcefully lifts her lids. "Breathe in that nice fresh air," Alix says while she continues to hold her student tutor upward to a standing position. 

Skip steps back then leans over placing both hands upon her knees, She could feel her stomach swirling rapidly as her mouth became dry. Sweating profusely Skip could no longer swallow normally, she could feel her breaths become short while feeling nauseous. Alix steps back slightly but stayed close enough to rub Skip's back. The bluenette falls forward grabbing onto Alix's shoulders, Skip's thin lips part releasing a clumpy chunky liquid. 

Gross, Alix thought while covering her mouth witnessing the bluenette hurl.

Skip's shoulders arch as she continues to dry heave then vomit, again and again, the cycle continues as she throws up.

 She's really sick, Alix's face was disgusted watching her tutor puke.

Skip felt somewhat better, Alix gently places her hands upon the bluenette's cheeks which felt hot to the touch. 

"Are you alright babe?" Alix asked. 

Like a child wanting to be picked up Skip held on to Alix's arms with her head down. Alix found this to be adorable even though the blue-haired girl was suffering at the moment.

An orb emerges from the pile of vomit,  a small sphere tumbles over the pavement making its way across the courtyard. 

Alix watches in shock. 

" Look it's moving?"Alix says as a puzzled expression washes over her face. Skip kneels beside Alix still holding on to the rebel's arms as they both watch intently.

Once across the courtyard away from both teens the gumball stops rolling and starts to expand until it looks as if it were about to burst. Both girls watch becoming horrified as cracks appear trailing up the sides of the large ball. The strange orb began to alter its shape, It no longer appeared round, it was now oval-shaped like an egg. Steam began to seep through the crevices as a substance oozes out the seams of every crack, it splits open as if something were hatching, a green thick glob of plasma drips to the ground.

A putrid stench fills the air which smelt like rotten eggs. 

"How rancid," Skip says covering her nose. A hand reaches out of the large oval egg covered in goop. Alix scratches her head. 

" I thought that was a gumball right, then what the hell was I chewing on?" Alix says worriedly.

 Skip keeps her composure as she watches attentively. A blue leg appears hanging off the side of the cracked open shell. A head protrudes from the open shell while an abundance of steam covers the area. Unable to see a thing Alix's head began to ache, she felt unusual pressure to her brain as her cranium throbbed.

What is this pain? Alix thought, it felt similar to a headache but was strange. The steam clears and there stands a creature.

Alix and Skip squint trying to see the mysterious fellow from across the courtyard.

 "What is that thing?" Alix asked placing her hand to her forehead to block the sun from her face. The creature did not move its head, the strange being only moved its eyes glaring at the girls. 

"It's looking right at us,"  Alix squeals. Skip felt light-headed, her vision was a bit blurry while her head was pounding, it felt as if she had a migraine. Piercing red eyes glare in their direction.

Something bright beside the girls starts to sparkle in the sunlight.

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora