Lost Part 2

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Your son died and everything came crashing down really fast. Who would have thought the King and Queen of Gotham have hearts that can break?

 Who would have thought the King and Queen of Gotham have hearts that can break?

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Kase is moving around his bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible. He doesn't want to be heard, not when he planned to do something you guys wouldn't approve of. He looks at his hand watch-12:49 am. Time to go. He grabs his gun and snicks out, tiptoeing to the elevator. The penthouse is quiet and dark; he really hopes you and the Joker are in your room as he passes by your door. He suddenly freezes as he hears you giggle and J trying to shush you:

"Sssssttt, keep it down you naughty Kitten."

"You keep it down, baby, sstttt" and you giggle again.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?! You're so bad!" A slap and your squeal.

"Nooo, you're the bad one, you're my bad boy," then muffled snickering and the Joker whispering:

"That I am, Princess."

Oh, God, I swear, those two, Kase quietly laughs, covering his mouth, happy you're...busy and he will get away with what he plans to do. That was close; he really thought he got busted. The elevator takes him downstairs and he checks his gun one more time before he steps out in the lobby.

"Hey, kid, going somewhere?"

Dammit, he thinks, flustered, slowly turning to the side where Frost is sitting in the armchair, reading the newspaper.

"Hi uncle Frost," Kase is straightening his back, this way he looks more confident than he feels right now.

"Don't call me that, you know Mister J doesn't like it!" Jonny scoffs, folding his paper and getting up.

"You know I only call you that when he's not around. Are you coming tonight too?" he asks without hesitation, not wanting to look weak. Frost would smell that from a mile away.

"Are you?" Frost lifts his eyebrows, suspicions. "I wasn't aware you are coming along. Boss would have told me."

"Oh, he knows, probably forgot to inform you. He wants me to get more experience. Here, call him if you don't believe me," Kase innocently hands over his cellphone, hoping his bluffing works. "But you know he hates it if you wake him up in the middle of the night. And if you'll wake up mom, well...that's a different story. She wouldn't care but he will raise hell if his Queen doesn't get her beauty sleep."

Frost stares at the phone, considering his options. Kid is right though. And he wouldn't have the nerve to lie like that. He hands back the phone, urging Kase to hurry up:

"I'm not going tonight, but they are leaving soon, better get a move on. Get out of here!"

"Yes, sir!" Kase salutes, clicking his heels with a very serious expression on his face.

Jonny snickers, shaking his head in disapproval as he watches Kase running towards the garage:


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