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The strong explosion took down half of the hideout near the ocean. Most of the team (including The Joker and Frost) were outside at the moment, but you weren't that lucky since you were moving boxes with guns indoors. You sustained pretty bad injuries, which you recovered from, and loss of hearing. You can barely hear anything if someone really shouts; that's why you had to learn sign language and how to read lips. 

When they told you a surgery won't really help, you gave up on the idea: why bother? You focused on learning sign language and how to read lips; you had to since you're one of The Joker's trusted bodyguards

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When they told you a surgery won't really help, you gave up on the idea: why bother? You focused on learning sign language and how to read lips; you had to since you're one of The Joker's trusted bodyguards. How else are you going to communicate? You can't have people yell at you all day long in order for you to kind of understand what is being said.

At first, you had a hard time controlling your voice; you were unable to really hear yourself anymore so you kept on being loud without wanting to be. J used to pucker his lips and say:

"You're giving me a headache!"

You knew why.

"Sorry, Mister J," you would apologize and took it down a notch. However, his complaints helped you control the tone and intensity of your voice until it wasn't a problem anymore.

Frost was the one that volunteered to learn sign language from you. The Joker ordered you to teach him. What's the difference?

Jonny said:

"Y/N, can you teach me too?"

The Joker said:

"Y/N, show me how that crap works. NOW!!!!"

Your boss forbade anybody else in the crew to learn sign language besides him and Frost. He believes this is an ability he can use for his own gain and the less people know, the better it is. Comes in handy, that's for sure. You are a skilled, resourceful woman, renowned for being fierce and untamable; you don't take shit from anybody. Except from your boss, of course. Because, you know, he's The Joker.

And even him got used to your way of dealing with things; you are so direct and impulsive. It doesn't even bother him anymore. But it used to.

In meetings, Mister J has Frost usually stand behind him and you stand behind the guests, scrutinizing and watching things, making sure nothing bad happens. You always discretely sign him what you notice and he signs back when he wants something done.

"Two guns and one knife on each," you sign him right now, seeing some extra weapons on his three guests you are not too comfortable with.

"Keep an eye on them," he signs back since the guys are counting money, too immersed in their task to care about anything else.

"Say, Mister Joker," Nex grins, smelling a bundle of hundred dollar bills, "she's not so tough anymore, ha?" and that stupid wink he gives Frost and J displeases both recipients. You can't see because you are behind the three assholes; that's why they are trying to make fun of you now.

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