Mommy Part 1

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It was a well known fact The Joker's girlfriend left him with four young children and disappeared. It was also known that his ex stepped up and took care of them even if she didn't have to. The King of Gotham might have lost his woman, but he never lost his Queen.

You had no idea why The Joker kept on getting her pregnant; she definitely didn't like to take care of their children nor had any interest in them

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You had no idea why The Joker kept on getting her pregnant; she definitely didn't like to take care of their children nor had any interest in them. But it was none of your business so you kept your mouth shut. J wanted you to continue to work for him and you had no objections: he trusted his ex and you loved what you were doing so it was fine.

They were always fighting and his girlfriend disappeared for days and sometimes even weeks without a phone call or text. The Joker would ask you to babysit Kase while he searched for Anya; the baby was adorable and you didn't mind.

Even when she was home, you still had to keep an eye on the little one because that woman would simply neglect to change or feed him. J would snap and they would get in such heated arguments you were surprised they didn't kill each other yet. If The King of Gotham was the one realizing his kid was lacking the proper nurture, you clearly don't have too much going on in the motherhood department.

It broke your heart when you would go over to the penthouse and find Kase crying in his crib, hungry and really needing his diaper changed. J was gone with business and she would wonder off God knows where as soon as you stepped inside.

"Oh great, you're here!" Anya would roll her eyes and sneaked out, leaving without any other explanation.

"Hey buddy, don't cry. I'm here now," you used to comfort him and the baby would stop crying as soon as he was changed and fed. Kase sure got a lot of kisses and snuggles since you felt sorry for the poor tiny soul. I mean, what fault did an innocent child had in any of it? None. Absolutely none.

One month after giving birth to the twin boys, Anya was nowhere to be found: three small beings left at their absent mother's mercy. This time, J didn't have to ask you to get involved: you offered and he didn't object. It was exhausting to tend to a toddler and two newborns but you had all the supplies you needed plus help whenever required.

The Joker searched for his woman like crazy and finally found her in Los Angeles and brought her home again. At that point, you were basically staying at the penthouse, raising kids that weren't yours yet you couldn't help it. You were attached to them and had the feeling they would end up dead without somebody to care for them.

"Why is she here, hm?" you would hear Anya shout in the middle of the night, the argument escalating with alarming velocity. "Are you fucking her again?"

"I'm not fucking her !!!" he would yell back and it was true. "My ex-girlfriend is here taking care of our children because you don't !!"

"Why don't you take care of them? I didn't get pregnant on my own now, did I?!"

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