The New Girlfriend

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Every time The Joker has an existential crisis, he gets a new girlfriend for a few days. His way of proving he doesn't need you...until he does. Loving for two is never easy, but after years of tolerating so much of J's entitled behavior, The Queen of Gotham is finally reaching her limits.

You and The Joker had a huge fight three days ago so it happened again: he told you you're history and found this young woman to pose as his girlfriend

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You and The Joker had a huge fight three days ago so it happened again: he told you you're history and found this young woman to pose as his girlfriend. Probably someone working at one of the clubs because J sure found her fast. You don't even pay attention to them, knowing this is nothing more than one of his obnoxious moods.

"Where's the thing, woman?" he barks at the poor girl and she gets very flustered.

"What thing Mister J?"

"The thing, woman! Are you stupid on top of being deaf?!"

You type super-fast on your laptop, moving money around between accounts The Joker has abroad.

"Catch!" you toss the cell phone to your... well...ex ... I guess, and he grabs it midair, annoyed.

"At least somebody knows what I want!" J snarls and you sigh, ignoring his crap.

"I'm so sorry, Mister J," the young woman apologizes, careful not to piss him off more. Yeah, good luck....

"Shut the hell up!" he raises his voice and goes back to mark different locations on Gotham's map unfolded all over the desk. After 5 minutes, J growls:

"I need it ! Now!"

"Umm...what would that be, Mister J?" she barely finds the courage to speak up.

"It, woman !!! Are you trying to get on my nerves on purpose?!" J begins his rant and strange enough you feel sorry for the new soul he's tormenting.

"Catch!" you stop typing for a few seconds, enough to snatch a black marker to toss his way.

He gives the girl such a cold stare she whimpers, scared to death. J grinds his teeth, vexed, returning to his project.

"I want my stuff !" just another demand after scribbling and highlighting all over the chart. If The Joker keeps this up, his "new girlfriend" will soon faint; it sure looks like that to you.

"What...what stuff Mister J?" she cautiously tries to find out, gulping.

"My stuff !!! For God's sake, you're useless!!"

"Catch!" you have mercy on her and help once more, throwing the gun in his direction. He catches the weapon and places it in his holster, complaining:

"How come Y/N knows what I need and you don't?!"

A few years of experience, you think to yourself, typing in a frenzy. That's why he doesn't have to actually name what he wants in order for you to guess the correct answer.

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