Would You Like to Try it? (Gadreel x Reader)

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Request: Hello my fave prophet writer. :) would you please write Gadreel/reader fluffy smut where reader makes a point to take care of him gently as though he couldn't himself (bathing, massages). It leads to Gad wanting to try sex b/c he trusts her and wants to share the enjoyment. He understands basics from Eden, but he still needs a little guidance. Maybe hesitates a bit when it gets intense (ptsd), but doesn't back out. (I don't mind waiting for you. Definitely worth it!)

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Gadreel x Reader

Word Count: 1,957

Warnings: Smut, virgin!Gadreel, language


Gadreel had come to you, broken. His grace had been taken and his wings scorched, but he was alive. You took him in without a second thought. He asked for help when it came to living as a human. There was so much he'd never experienced as an angel and you wanted to help teach him everything you could. He asked little of you, but you went above and beyond what he requested. You took care of him, though you knew he didn't really need you to.

You cooked for him, ran him baths and showers, taught him to shave and brush his teeth, you even gave him massages when his muscles were sore. In many ways, you relied on him just as much as he relied on you. You'd grown attached to him and you wanted to be there for him in any way he needed. He was your best friend and you thought he felt the same way, that's why his request surprised you so much.

"Y/N, I would like to try having sex with you," Gadreel announces casually as if it's the most normal thing he could've asked. He pushes his food around his plate with his fork.

"Sex?" you ask, shocked, "Gadreel, are you sure?"

"Perhaps that's the wrong word," Gadreel says, "I believe it's called intercourse, or fucking." You almost choke on the drink you had just been sipping.

"No, sex works just fine," you tell him, putting down your cup.

"Then would you like to try it?" Gadreel asks.

"I, um," you stammer, "Can I ask why?"

"I remember certain things from Eden and my vessel retains ... memories," Gadreel tells you, "From what I understand, sex is supposed to be pleasurable for everyone involved. I admit that I'm selfish in wanting to experience those feelings for myself and with the way you've taken care of me, I thought perhaps you would help me. It isn't just about me though. I also thought that perhaps it could be my way for me to repay you for everything you've done for me."

"Are you sure you know what you're asking?" you question.

"I understand if you don't want to," Gadreel says, continuing to play with what's left of his food.

"Gadreel," you say, reaching across the table and taking his hand, "It's not that. It's just that I don't want to take advantage of you." Gadreel looks up at you slowly.

"You wouldn't be," Gadreel says, "I know what I'm asking for and I know it's a lot, I understand if you refuse."

"You really want this, with me?" you ask, your thumb running along his knuckles.

"Yes," Gadreel answers without hesitation, "But only if you want that too ... do you want that too?" Gadreel watches you, waiting for your answer.

"Yes," you tell him, squeezing his hand, "I want that." Gadreel's eyes widen.

"You're sure?" he asks.

"Yeah," you laugh, Gadreel smiling brightly. He quickly stands from his chair and reaches across the table to grab your plate before grabbing his. "What are you doing?" you laugh as he clears all the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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