Yes Sam (Sam x Reader)

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Request(s): Hello!! I LOVE your work! Could you please do a one shot for the imagine on Dirty spn; "Imagine Sam biting his lip while you adjust to his huge size". That would be amazing! Lots of smut and dirty talk. Him fingering open the reader. Dom Sam/ super submissive reader the whole way! Hehe thank you! I can't wait!!! AND Could I plz get a dom!Sam/sub!Reader smut with Sam calling the reader baby/little girl and maybe some light spanking?

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Word Count: 3,085

Warnings: Arguing, language, dirty talk, dom!Sam/sub!Reader, smut, unprotected sex, rough sex, biting, hair pulling, spanking

A/N: Ok, I saw this imagine and really wanted to write it. Then I got a request for a fic based on it and I just had to write it! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


"I'm sorry Sam, but if I hadn't done what I did, you'd be dead," you shout. This last hunt had been extremely stressful. A werewolf had been running around, killing people left and right and you had teamed up with Sam to take it out.

"I told you to hang back," Sam shouts, slamming the motel door, "You put yourself in danger when I specifically told you not to."

"I'm a hunter, just like you," you shout back, "Danger is in my fucking job description." At this point, all you wanted to do was escape to the shower and blow off some steam.

"You can be so fucking stubborn," Sam yells, "Maybe you need to learn to take directions."

"I don't have to take directions from you," you yell, anger growing within you, "If I want to throw myself between you and a werewolf to save your sorry ass then I will. I can make my own choices whether you like them or not." You throw your bag down on one of the queen sized beds and turn back to face Sam. He was your friend, but sometimes you swore you could strangle him. "Sam?" you question hesitantly as you take in his stance.

His jaw is clenched tight and his hands are fisted around the strap of his hunting bag. The way he looks at you reminds you of a predator, dark eyes boring into you. "Always so fucking stubborn aren't you?" he asks as he throws his bag on the floor. He takes a step towards you and you take a step back.

"Sam, what are you ..." you begin, but you stop when your back hits the wall. His hands land on either side of you, pinning you between him and the wall. You'd imagined this situation so many times before, but you never believed it would actually happen. He was your friend, he didn't love you or want you in the same way you wanted him - or so you thought.

"You need to learn to take directions and I'm going to teach you," Sam growls, "You think you don't have to listen to me? Well you don't know how wrong you are."

"Sam, I ..." you begin, but he cuts you off.

"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop," Sam says. You swallow hard, but you're not about to tell him to stop.

"Don't stop," you whisper.

"That's what I thought," Sam growls, "You'll listen to every word I say and you'll follow every single instruction down to the last letter, do you understand me?"

"Yes Sam," you whisper, all of the fight draining out of you.

"Good," Sam says, reaching for the zipper of your jacket and yanking it down, "From now on we're on the color system. Red if you want to stop, green for keep going, and yellow to slow down. Tell me you understand."

My Supernatural Oneshots (Multi chapter stories are found outside of this book)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن