Home (Dean x Reader)

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One Week Writer's Challenge Prompt: The bunker

Request: Could you do a fic where the reader wakes up in a bed with ____ (kinda like the 'French Mistake') and kinda freaks out until ____ calms her down. And is supposedly living in the bunker with TFW and is in a long relationship with ____. They try to get her back but then she realizes she wants to stay? I thought it could have smut and/or lots of fluff? ☺️ thank you so much love😘 I like 100% am in love with your blog 😍🙏🏼💘 AND Can you do one where the Reader wakes up in a bed with her 'boyfriend' Dean/Sam/Cas (you pick) and doesn't know where or who she is and flips out but ending in her going back to her boyfriend Dean/Sam/Cas? I know it sounds weird but it could be a good series or something! Thanks so much love 😘😘💕

Reader Sex: Any

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 1,813

Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of deceased family


You yawn and roll over in your bed, stretching out to take up more of the empty bed, except the bed wasn't empty. "What the Hell?" you ask aloud as your arm falls across someone's chest.

"Good morning Sweetheart," a man says in a deep, sleep laden voice. You pull away as he tries to wrap an arm around your naked body. Noticing your lack of clothes, you pull the sheets up around you as you move to the opposite end of the bed. "You ok there, Baby?" the man asks with a chuckle, running his hand through his messy dirty blonde hair.

"Who the Hell are you?" you question, your eyes leaving the man to examine the unfamiliar room, "And where the fuck am I?"

"Y/N, Baby, what's gotten into you?" the man asks, reaching towards you.

"Stop calling me 'Baby,'" you demand, "And how do you know my name?"

"Y/N, stop it," the man demands, "This isn't funny anymore."

"You're wrong," you say, standing from the bed, "This was never funny." Looking around the floor, you pick up your clothing and head towards the door.

"Stop," the man says, catching your wrist, "I don't understand what's happening. If you're leaving me, then fine, but don't act like you don't know me. We've been through too much shit for that."

"Look, guy," you say pulling your wrist away from him, "I don't know what happened last night, but I must've been blackout drunk. I don't remember a single thing I said or did. Look, I don't know you and you don't know me, so I'm going home, got that?"

"Y/N, you're in the bunker, this is your home," the man says, his voice almost sounds heartbroken, "I don't know what happened to make you act like this, but please, just stay and we can talk this out."

"No," you reply, "I want to go home." With that, you turn and leave the room, looking for the nearest bathroom. The man had said that this was your home, but he had to be lying. Nothing looked even remotely familiar. The place was a maze that you had no clue how to navigate.

When you've finally dressed yourself and found your way out of the maze, you find yourself in a garage full of cars. Luckily for you, the keys were hanging on a board near the door. Grabbing the nearest one, you open the garage door and head for the car that the key belongs to.

"Y/N, wait please," you hear the man call right before you start up the engine, "Look, if you really can't remember me, I can prove you know me." He holds a phone up to the window of your car. Two faces smile at you, his and yours. The picture only makes things worse. You'd never seen this man in your life and the fact that you couldn't even remember his face, let alone his name, scared you. Quickly, you slam your foot down on the pedal and speed off.

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