Let it Go (No pairing)

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Request: For au week, do you think you would write a michifer frozen au w/ elsa!michael and anna!lucifer? Extra bonus points if Gabriel put them there w/o them knowing? Idk if you ship it so it's okay if you don't want to write this, it's kind of silly anyway

Word Count: 5,373

Characters: Elsa!Michael, Anna!Lucifer, Hans!Crowley, Kristoff!Sam, Sven!Dean, Gabriel!Olaf

Warnings: I don't think there really are any

A/N: The plot is taken from Disney's Frozen (a few points have been changed to incorporate Supernatural elements) I don't claim to own any of the plot or characters.


"Why can't you two stop fighting?" Gabriel asks.

"We're supposed to fight, it's our destiny," Lucifer says.

"This won't be over until one or both of us are dead," Michael says.

"It doesn't have to be like that," Gabriel says, "We can be a family again, all you have to do is let it go."

"You know we can't do that," Michael says.

Gabe's eyes narrow as he mumbles 'We'll see about that,' and disappears.

"Enjoy your remaining time on earth," Lucifer says, "It won't last much longer."

"Believe what you will, it won't matter when you're dead," Michael responds. Lucifer smirks before the expression falls from his face.

"What did you do?" Lucifer asks, squeezing his eyes tight.

"This wasn't me," Michael answers as he grabs his head between his hands, "What's happening?" Both men fall to their knees before falling completely to the floor.


"Lucifer? Are you awake?" a voice asks through the door.

"Yep, I'm up," Lucifer responds as he sits up sleepily in his bed. His head slumps as he begins to fall back asleep.

"It's time for you to get ready," the voice says, "Today is your brother's coronation." Lucifer sits up quickly before jumping out of bed. Today was the day he'd finally get to meet people who lived outside the castle; excitement sent him flying around his room as he got ready for the day. Maybe today would be he met someone, maybe even the one. Since he'd been kept in the castle, he'd never gotten the chance to meet his true vessel.

On top of that, he'd get to see his brother again. They had been close when they were young, but for some reason, they had a falling out and Lucifer never understood why. One day, their parents had separated them, locking Michael away. Then their parents had died, leaving them both alone.

Lucifer wasn't going to let the past get in the way of things, not today. Today was the day when everything would change. His brother would become king, the gates would open, and Lucifer would finally get to leave the castle, if only for a short time. The first place he went to was the docks; he wanted to see the way the wind created ripples on the water.

All of the sudden, a man riding a horse pops out of nowhere. Lucifer loses his balance and falls into one of the boats sitting on the dock. The boat slides back and almost falls into the water, but the horse places a hoof on the bottom of the boat and keeps it from falling. The man jumps down from the horse and lands in the boat.

"I'm sorry about my horse," the man says in a thick accent. He holds out his hand and helps Lucifer up. "My name is Crowley," he says, "And you are?"

"Lucifer," Lucifer responds. Crowley's eyes go wide.

"The prince," Crowley says as he bows. His horse bows as well, letting the boat fall into the water with both Crowley and Lucifer inside. The two get soaked by water and tangled together in the fall. "I'm so sorry," Crowley says as the two struggle to stand back up.

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