Favorite Pet (Alastair x Reader)

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Request(s): I just saw the ask where someone wanted an Alastair smut and you didn't have a plot and I've got one for ya. You're a demon and one of his top apprentices torturing souls in hell and he gets a soft spot for you cause you torture like no one's business so he likes to watch you work and after a particularly brutal session he tells you how much he likes watching you torture and things get kinky and rough and sexy af. AND Alastair x reader. Alastair is a sadist and you're his pet, who happens to be a masochist. (PWP, bdsm, bloodplay, slapping, scratching, biting, choking. All consensual and just pure filthy smut)

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Alastair x Demon!Reader

Word Count: 2,249

Warnings: Description of reader torturing others, mention of reader being tortured in the past, mention of scars on reader, language, smut, rough sex, dirty talk, bondage, blood play, knife play, spanking, hair pulling, biting, choking, scratching, orgasm denial, dom!Alastair, sub!Reader, pretty much just PWP

A/N: This is my first Alastair fic, so let me know how I did!


"I really don't want to hurt you," you purr as you circle the rack at the center of the room. The man strung up there is beaten and bloody, but he refuses to give in. "Just one little word and this can all be over," you tell him.

"I won't," he says like a petulant child.

"Oh, you can and you will," you respond. You can feel eyes watching you, the tell-tale sign that your tutor has dropped in to observe you. You had to up your game.

"I'll never do anything you want, you bitch!" he shouts.

"Wow, I'm offended," you say calmly, "I've never been anything but kind to you. What have I done to earn such hatred?" You take the dull, rusty knife in your hand and pull the blade across the man's abdomen. The man screams in agony. "I'm so sorry," you say, a faked pained expression plastered on your face, "I hated doing that to you, but like I said, this could all be over. All you have to do is say yes. I can get you down from the rack, you'll become a demon like me, and I'm sure my tutor would take you under his wing. He's a master at what he does, a real 'Picasso with a razor blade.'"

"I'll never give that bastard the satisfaction," he shouts.

"Well, if I can't change your mind today, there's always tomorrow," you say shrugging your shoulders, "I'm in no rush." You pull the blade across his neck and watch the man struggle as the life fades from him. "See ya tomorrow hot shot," you say as he dies for what had to be the thousandth time.

A slow clapping sounds from the corner of the room and you turn to find Alastair walking towards you, a dark look in his eyes. "Hello Alastair," you say casually as you wipe the blood from your knife and move to place it on the counter beside your other toys, "What brings you here today?" Like you didn't already know. You were his best student and he loved to watch you work.

When you turn back around, Alastair is right behind you. He cages you between the table and himself, your torture devices scattering across the table as his hands hit the surface. "I think you know why I'm here pet," he says, his voice rough.

"I'm not so sure it's that obvious," you tease, letting your fingers dance down his chest and abdomen.

"Then I'll just have to make you painfully aware," he says. Alastair snaps his fingers and the next thing you know, you're hanging from your wrists near the torture rack. The man's dead body had been removed. You wrap your hands around the chains that hold you up, trying to gain better support than having only your tiptoes touch the ground. "You're good at what you do. I enjoy watching you torture almost as much as I enjoy torturing," Alastair praises, "I've taught you well, but you could do much better."

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