Three's a Crowd (Dean x Reader x Sam)

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Request: Hi! I love your fics! Do you think I can request one? Where the reader has a huge crush on Dean and Sam and she ends up having to share a bed with them and the boys get a hard on and smut ensues?

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Dean x Reader x Sam

Word Count: 2,766

Warnings: Cursing, smut, unprotected sex, threesome, double penetration, anal, dirty talk

A/N: I know this was towards the end of the request list, but I really wanted to write it. Please don't be mad at me for jumping it to the front of the list!


You walk into the motel room and instantly stop in your tracks due to the sight before you. "What the Hell? One bed?" you ask.

"Dibs!" Dean shouts from behind you.

"I don't think so!" Sam says as he pushes past Dean and throws his stuff on the bed to claim it before anyone else has a chance.

"I'm not sleeping on the sofa again," Dean says angrily, "It's your turn Sam."

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" you ask, "You couldn't have gotten another room or one with two beds?"

"This was the last room," Sam says, "Sorry Y/N." He gives you an apologetic look that makes you roll your eyes. "You can share the bed with me," Sam offers.

Your heartbeat increases in speed. Sam Winchester was offering to share a bed with you. Since hunting with them, you had developed a crush on Sam; ok, let's be honest, you had a crush on Dean too. They both flirted with you shamelessly and you flirted right back; but this was something more than flirting. This made you feel more nervous than you had ever felt around either of the Winchesters. "Thanks Sam," you respond, "I'm just going to go change."

You hurry off to the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Your hands shake in anticipation as you change your clothes and prepare yourself for sleep. Just the thought of one of the Winchesters sleeping so close to you had sent you into a panic.

When you come back out into the main room, you find Sam lying on the bed in only pajama pants while Dean is off to the side, pulling his shirt over his head. They way they stripped like this when it was just the three of you, it really wasn't fair. It was a challenge to keep your gaze away from their muscular bodies.

Sam shuts his laptop and sets it to the side before lifting the covers and motioning for you to get in. You slide between the already warmed sheets and stay a respectable distance from Sam, afraid to get too close. "Scoot over princess," Dean says from your side of the bed, "There's no way I'm sleeping on that sofa. It's disgusting."

"Don't you think three's a crowd Dean?" Sam asks.

"I think this is a king sized bed and it's going to fit all three of us. Now are you gonna move over Y/N?" Dean says.

You nod and swallow hard as you scoot closer to Sam. Dean slides into the bed beside you and if your heart wasn't racing before, it definitely was now. You lie with Sam to one side, Dean to the other. Having the two men you've harbored feelings for on either side of you like this makes you so nervous that you aren't sure what to do.

You simply lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling as the brothers argue with each other.

"Try not to steal all of the sheets," Sam grumbles to Dean.

"Yeah, well you try not to take up the whole bed," Dean grumbles back.

"You could've slept in the Impala," Sam suggests.

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