Boyfriend for Five Minutes (Garth x Reader)

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Request: I was curious if you could do a reader/Garth fic maybe where the reader is unsure cause the last time she was with a guy it went terribly and Garth has to ease her into everything and tell her it will be all right? There are so few out there and I love him and wish more people saw how amazing he is. AND Could you write a cute Garth x reader fic with some fluffy smut? Maybe she had a crappy ex and Garth helps her forget about him?

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Garth x Reader

Summary: Garth and the reader are out celebrating a successful hunt and they run into the reader's ex-boyfriend, with whom the reader had a bad break up. The reader asks Garth to be their boyfriend for five minutes and Garth agrees.

Word Count: 2,320

Warnings: OC named Daniel that serves as the reader's ex and one named Steph that serves as his girlfriend, language, mentions of being cheated on, smut

A/N: This is my first Garth fic, so let me know how I did!


"Two beers please," Garth asks the bartender as the two of you settle in at the bar. There's only one stool, so Garth offers it to you and stands beside you, leaning on the bar.

You'd only been hunting with Garth for a few months, but you were already close friends. He was a little strange at times, but you liked it. He was a nice reprieve after your last hunting partner, who just so happened to be your boyfriend, well your ex boyfriend now. You'd gone through a nasty break up, the narcissistic ass hole always cared more about himself than anything else and you had gotten sick of it. On top of that, when you confronted him, you'd found out he had been cheating on you. After that, you'd tried hunting on your own for a while, but decided you didn't like it.

Luckily, you knew Bobby, who knew Garth. Bobby sent you on one hunt together and you became instant friends, sometimes it seemed like you were attached at the hip. He was always respectful, caring, and sweet. If you hadn't been through such a bad break up such a short time ago, you might even have let yourself fall in love with him. He was exactly what you wanted, but you were too afraid of getting hurt again. You were afraid that he wasn't interested in you and that if you told him how you felt, he'd reject you and you'd be right back where you were a few months ago.

The bartender comes back with two cold bottles of beer and opens them for you, sliding them across the bar top. You thank him and pay before he heads off to help other customers.

"Here's to another successful hunt!" you say, clinking your bottle with Garth's.

"Cheers!" he responds before taking a swig from the bottle.

"Go easy there," you tease, "I don't want to have to drag you back to the motel this time."

"Sorry," he says. His face turns red from embarrassment about that little incident. You just laugh before you take a sip of beer.

"I guess we should tell Bobby we finished the hunt," you sigh.

"It can wait till morning," Garth says, "I think we deserve a break."

"It would die for a break," you joke.

"I'd just find a way to bring you back," Garth tells you. You smile, a light blush rising to your cheeks.

You take another sip of beer and almost spit it back out when you notice someone walk through the door. No, not just someone, your ex, and he wasn't alone. You turn to Garth, trying to hide your face.

"What's wrong?" Garth asks.

"You know how I told you about my last boyfriend?" you ask, Garth nods in response, "Well, he's just walked in the door."

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