Jealousy (Castiel x Reader)

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Request: I have a Cas request~! Maybe Dean and the reader flirt a lot and touch each other here and there. Castiel is jealous because he's in love with the reader. One day he just snaps and it ends with smut or fluff or both? Pretty please~~

Reader Gender: Female anatomy, but no gender pronouns

Pairing: Castiel x Reader

Word Count: 1,509

Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex


"What are you watching?" you ask Dean as you fold your hands and place them on top of his head before resting your chin on them.

"Game of Thrones, wanna join?" Dean says.

"Sure," you respond before plopping down on the couch next to him. You greet Cas and Sam who sit in chairs to either side of the couch. Dean wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side. You notice Cas' eyes narrow at Dean and you look away quickly before Cas notices that you're looking.

For some reason Castiel always made you nervous. It could've been because he was an angel and had powers beyond your imagination, but it was more likely because you had a giant crush on him.

"Popcorn?" Dean asks as he holds out the bowl to you. You grab a handful and toss a piece in the air for Dean to catch in his mouth. The show starts and you settle in against Dean.

Dean whispers stupid comments about the show into your ear, causing you to burst out laughing from time to time. Cas keeps shooting you angry glances so you try to keep the noise down, but Dean won't stop making you giggle. You elbow him in the side, but he doesn't stop whispering in your ear.

"I think it's time I leave," Cas says as he stands from the couch suddenly. He disappears with the flap of his wings.

"Good job Dean, look what you did," you say as you nudge him with your elbow.

"What? Are you upset that I made your boyfriend disappear?" Dean asks.

"He's not my boyfriend," you mumble as you push Dean away from you and head off to your bedroom for the night. The sounds of the show fade into the distance as you reach your room and lock the door behind you.

"Do you love him?" Cas' voice asks from behind you. You spin around quickly to find Cas standing mere inches from you.

"You can't just sneak up on me like that Cas, you're going to give me a heart attack," you say.

"Do. You. Love. Him?" Cas asks slowly, punctuating each word.

"What? No. Who are we even talking about?" you ask, unsure what had brought on this questioning. You push past Cas and make your way to the center of the room.

"Dean Winchester," Cas says as he reaches out to grab your wrist and stop you in your tracks, "Are you in love with him?"

Cas' touch is feather light, but it sends chills through your body none the less. He's only ever touched you in order to heal you, this was something completely different.

"No," you whisper as you turn your body towards Cas.

"Then why do you act that way around him?" Cas asks, "You're always laughing at his jokes and making suggestions. Why do you touch him the way you do if you don't love him?"

"Cas," you begin, "Dean and I are just friends. We've always been that way around each other. We don't mean anything by it; it's just the way we are." You pause for a moment, thinking about the angry looks that Cas had been giving Dean. "Cas, are you jealous of Dean?" you ask gently.

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