In Control (Crowley x Reader)

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Request: Hello! I absolutely love your fics! They never fail to make my day. c: ♡ I was wondering if you could do a dom!female!reader x sub!Dean or maybe even Crowley? Thank you!

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Crowley x Reader

Summary: Crowley embarrasses the reader in front of his minions and the reader decides to get revenge.

Word Count: 2,272

Warnings: Language, argument between Reader and Crowley, smut, dom!Reader, sub!Crowley, oral, masturbation

A/N: I've had this idea for a sub!Crowley fic for a while now and I got this request so I decided to write it. I hope you guys like it!


"I can't believe you!" you shout, making it back to your room.

"Come on Darling," Crowley says, trying to pacify you, "What did I do?"

"Pet?" you scoff, "It's one thing to call me your pet when we're alone, but to call me that in front of your minions? It's degrading."

"Y/N, it's just a term of endearment," Crowley says, "I didn't mean anything by it."

"No?" you question angrily, "You have the gall to boss me around in front of your minions and then call me 'pet,' but you didn't mean anything by it. You can't be serious."

"I am Love," Crowley says, moving towards you.

"Don't 'Love' me," you tell him, pushing away his hands, "You can't treat me like that in front of your demons and expect me to be ok with it. You don't control me the way you control them." Placing a hand against his chest, you push him up against the wall. "No, I'm gonna show you exactly who's in control," you say before kissing him roughly. "Take your clothes off," you demand, breaking the kiss and walking away from him.

"Y/N, Darling, this -" he begins, but you cut him off.

"I said take. Off. Your. Clothes," You say, punctuating each word, "Except the tie, you can leave that on." You saunter to the bed and sit down, crossing one leg over the other as you watch Crowley lazily.

"Fine," Crowley says, "I'll play your little game, but what do I get in return?"

"You'll just have to wait and see," you tell him, watching as his fingers work the buttons of his suit jacket through the holes. A smirk crosses his lips as he tosses the jacket carelessly to the side.

"We'll see about that," Crowley says, slowly moving closer as he removes one article of clothing after the other. By the time he reaches you, he's clothed in only his boxers and his tie. His arousal is evident through the thin material. You had him right where you wanted him.

He's about to push his boxers down, but you have other plans. You wrap his tie around your hand and pull it towards you. In one swift motion, you've got him seated on the bed with you standing between his knees. "So hard for me already," you tease, "We've barely even started." His hands come up to grasp your hips, but you push them away. "You can look," you tell him, "But no touching, understood?"

"Fine," Crowley growls. You smirk as you loosen his tie and pull it from his neck, tossing it to the floor.

"Good boy," you praise, laughing at his expression. He rolls his eyes and huffs. Normally he liked being in charge in the bedroom, so you knew this must be frustrating for him. "Don't be like that," you purr, "I'm the one who's mad at you, remember?"

He watches your hands as you begin removing your clothing, piece by piece. You move as slow as you can, teasing him with each passing second until you're fully undressed. "Stop fooling around," Crowley groans, the bulge in his pants larger than before. His hands come up to grab you again and you instantly slap them away.

My Supernatural Oneshots (Multi chapter stories are found outside of this book)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ