Desire (Gadreel x Reader)

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Request: May I request a fic where the reader is forced to babysit Gadreel/Lucifer and everything seems fine, but he disappears, and the already apprehensive reader has to go look for him even though she's felt on edge from him making passes at her and invading her personal space. when she finds him he pins her against a wall and tries to kiss her, but she's supposed to be watching him so she has to push him away, and it turns into her running from him in the bunker, until he catches her and smut ensues? AND May I request another wing!kink fic pls? I'd love for it to be a sweet Lucifer or adorable Gadreel, but whatever angel you wanna do is fine

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Gadreel x Reader

Word Count: 3,542

Warnings: Language, mentions of reader's hunting scars, mentions of Gadreel's torture in Heaven, smut, wing!kink, roughish sex, virgin!Gadreel


"Gadreel, what have I said about personal space?" you ask. Gadreel slides just centimeters further down the couch from you. You sigh, knowing that was the best you would get from him.

Ever since he had returned to life he'd been living in the bunker with you and the Winchesters. He had come to you bruised and broken and you had taken him in with the intention of keeping an eye on him while keeping him safe from anyone who might want to harm him. Lately, the boys had gone out on a hunt, leaving you alone with the angel. You didn't mind except for the fact that he kept hitting on you. To be fair, you found him quite attractive and the way he tried to flirt with you was endearing, but you had a job to do. You were meant to protect the man, not flirt with him.

"If I may inquire, what are you reading about?" he asks, trying to read over your shoulder.

"Nothing," you tell him, "Just information on warding spells. I don't think you'd be interested."

"Why is that Y/N?" he asks, "I find everything you do to be interesting." The look he gave you, God, if he kept giving you that look, you'd snap and push him back against the chair, take him right then and there; but you couldn't do that you were protecting him, not sleeping with him. "May I read as well?" Gadreel asks, reaching out a hand. His fingers trail along your hand and you jump away.

"No," you say, moving away from him, "I don't have time for this Gadreel. I have more important things to do." Your words are harsher than you meant them to be and you can see the hurt in his eyes.

"Oh," he says softly, "Then I'll leave you be." He disappears in a flutter of wings and you begin to panic. If he had left the bunker, someone who meant him harm might find him before you did.

"Gadreel, wait!" you shout at the empty air, "Please come back, I didn't mean what I said." You take off down the nearest hall, opening every door and checking every last nook and cranny. At some point, you begin praying as well as shouting, hoping that he will hear you one way or the other. "Please come back," you sob and pray, "I'm sorry."

"Don't cry," Gadreel says as he appears behind you, "I never meant to make you cry." He grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him, quickly pinning you between himself and the wall. His fingers wipe the tears from your cheeks as he leans in, his lips barely brushing your own before you push him away.

"Gadreel, we can't do this. I'm supposed to protect you, not take advantage of you," you tell him gently.

"You are not taking advantage of me," Gadreel informs you, "I know what I want. I may be naive about the lives and feelings of humans, but I've learned about desire Y/N."

"Gadreel, I don't think you understand what you're saying," you whisper.

"I do though," Gadreel corrects you, "I've never felt this desire for anyone else before. I've never wanted anything, anyone, so badly."

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