Angel of Death (Dean x Angel!Reader)

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  Request: Hello! Idk if you're taking requests right now, but could you please do a Dean x Angel of Death!reader smut fic where Dean is jealous of her closeness with Cas and decides to do something about it? 

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Dean x Angel!Reader

Word Count: 3,758

 Warnings: angel!Reader, virgin!Reader, naive!Reader, smut, wing!kink


When Castiel found you, you were broken; an Angel of Death on the verge of dying. Death was dead and the reapers had gone rogue. Being Death's second in command, you tried to keep the reapers in check, but they had other plans. They fought back against you and left you to die. That's when Cas found you, he took you in and gave you a home.

Ever since then, you had been close to Cas. He was one of your few friends, your best friend if you were being honest. After he nursed you back to health, you began to rely on him. You stayed close to him whenever he was around because he made you feel safe. He didn't seem to mind.

The bunker he took you to was unfamiliar, not to mention the Winchesters scared you a little at first. After all, Dean was the one who had killed your boss. Cas saw you as another angel, but you were sure the Winchesters saw you as a monster. They never seemed like they wanted to hurt you, but for all you knew, they were plotting your death at this very moment. When Cas left you alone with the boys, you tried to be friendly and you tried to trust them, but when Cas came back, you practically clung to him.

The Winchesters were both kind to you, but you suspected it was mostly because of Cas. Sam was friendly, but he let you have your space. Dean, on the other hand, was always close by. You weren't sure if he was trying to be nice or if he was keeping an eye on you. Either way, you could tell he didn't like you being around Cas. Whenever he found you near Cas, he got grumpy and tried to pry you away from your friend, always telling Cas there was something he needed him to do. Maybe he was trying to protect Cas from you, but that really wasn't necessary. You didn't mean anyone any harm, especially Cas.

"Didn't you say you had something to take care of?" Dean asks Cas.

"Not today," Cas says, "Besides, I promised I would attend to Y/N's wings. They're still not quite healed." Your cheeks turn pink when Cas talks about your wings, they were very personal and telling a human about them wasn't something you ever did.

"Well, maybe I can help," Dean offers.

"That's probably not a good idea," Cas says, "Angels don't just show their wings to anyone."

"I'm not just anyone," Dean says before turning to you, "Why is it ok to show your wings to Cas, but not to me?"

"Cas and I are friends," you say, not sure why Dean was so interested.

"We're friends too aren't we?" Dean asks.

"I suppose, but showing your wings to an angel is different from showing them to a human," you try to explain.

"What do you mean you 'suppose'?" Dean asks, his voice sounds hurt. Cas tilts his head to the side, not understanding either.

"I didn't know you considered me a friend," you say, still not sure what Dean was getting at.

"Of course I do," Dean says. He reaches his hand towards you, but pulls it back, thinking better of it. "Cas, I need to talk to Y/N alone," Dean says. Cas looks to you and you nod your head before reaching your hand out and squeezing his, letting him know you'll be alright. He nods to you and disappears.

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