Shadows (Leviathan!Cas x Reader)

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Request: prompt: rough/sloppy/dirty sex in a public (or semi-public) place w/ leviathan!cas? sorta away from people's sight, but still in danger of being caught. bonus if it's reader's first time with Cas and she has feelings for him she hasn't confessed to yet, so conflicted feelings and giving in to temptation even though she knows they both might/probably/will regret it later. sorry this is so specific. and thank god for angel week.


Hey,Luv! instead of the last request I send u,can u instead write a 1GodstielxReader 2Consort of the archangels!readerxArchangels or 3 LeviathCasxReader(Anyone of them.)also can you do the thing with them?

Reader Gender: Female anatomy, but no gender pronouns

Pairing: Leviathan!Cas x Reader

Word Count: 1,514

Warnings: Dub con, smut, semi-public sex (outside, but no one sees), rough sex, unprotected sex, Leviathan!Cas (not strictly stated, but implied)


"Cas, where are you taking me?" you ask as Cas takes your hand and leads you from the bar. You shoot Sam and Dean a wary look as Cas drags you out the door.

"You'll see," is Cas' only response. Cas leads you down an alleyway beside the bar and stops in the shadows. He spins you quickly and pushes you up against the wall.

"Cas!" you gasp. His action surprises you, he's never acted this way before. Then again, he seemed different lately; darker and more sinister. Cas' eyes bore into your own as if he wants to devour your soul.

He places one hand on either side of your body and leans in. "I want you Y/N," Cas growls, "And I know you want me too." You couldn't deny his last statement, you'd wanted him from the moment you met him all those years ago; but now as you looked into his blue eyes, some voice inside you was telling you to run back inside the bar.

"Here? Now?" you squeak.

"Yes," Cas responds in a low voice, "Here, Now." You swallow hard before saying your next protest.

"What if Sam and Dean come looking for us?" you ask. It's a plausible question; the look you gave them might cause them to come after you if you were gone for too long.

"Let them see," Cas says darkly. This wasn't Cas, not the Cas you loved anyway. The Cas you knew never would've said something like that. The Cas you knew wouldn't have pinned you to the wall in the first place. You didn't know what had happened to the naive angel, but this Castiel was neither naive nor an angel.

You nod your head slowly, giving in to Cas' proposition though you knew you'd never live it down if one or both of the brothers caught you. Cas presses his lips to yours, hard and demanding. You'd always pictured kissing him would be soft and gentle, but this Cas was different. Cas moves closer to you, pressing his body firmly against yours.

You'd wanted him for so long, but you'd wanted the old Cas, not this new one. Despite that, you couldn't help but give in. Your lips move against his and cave to his every whim as his tongue maps out your mouth. Cas' lips move down your neck, sucking and biting, leaving behind marks. His hands move down to your hips and his fingers slip beneath your shirt, rubbing circles against your skin with his thumbs.

"Castiel," you mumble as you wrap your arms around him and card your fingers through his hair. Cas bites down on the skin of your neck and rolls his hips against you, letting you feel the growing bulge in his pants. You groan as your head falls back against the rough wall behind you, you hair getting caught in the little grooves and crevices of the brick.

You should stop this, you knew you'd probably regret your decision if you let this continue, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop him. Would he regret what he'd done later if he became his former self once again? Would he hate you for allowing this to happen? You easily pushed the thoughts from your mind as Cas rolls his hips against you and presses his hard cock to your core. You'd deal with the regret when it existed, if it existed, but for now all you wanted was Cas.

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