Torture (Dean x Castiel)

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Requests: Alright, so I came up with this one a while ago but I'm currently writing a fic. So, I was wondering if you could write something where, somehow, Cas and Dean both die and go to hell. The plot twist would be that Dean becomes the new king of hell and tortures Cas. Soon, Castiel snaps Dean back to the reality of things and tells the Winchester how he really feels about him. Thanks, love your writing! AND Could you please do Destiel smut? Please? :

Pairing: Demon!Dean x Castiel

Word Count: 1,835

Warnings: Torture, Destiel, smut, anal


This was wrong. Cas didn't belong here and neither did Dean, but Dean seemed to have forgotten that. He had not only accepted his current circumstances, but embraced them as well. After dying and going to Hell, Dean had lost all touch with reality and with himself. He accepted the chance to become a demon before he forced Crowley out of power and took control of Hell. The scariest part was that he actually fit the role well. Everything about him had changed, Cas could barely even recognize him.

When Cas tried to point this out, Dean lost it. He chained Cas up and locked him away. Every day Dean visited Cas and every day Cas begged. He didn't beg because he couldn't stand the pain, he begged because this wasn't Dean. This wasn't the man that Cas loved, the demonic side of him had taken over. Cas didn't blame Dean for the torture he inflicted on him, no, Cas forgave him and wanted to save him.

"Please," Cas begs as Dean draws the edge of a knife across his chest, "Dean stop, please." Cas' hands wrap around the chains that bind him. Dangling from the ceiling, the toes of his shoes are just barely able to touch the ground.

"I could stop," Dean says, halting the blade for a moment before continuing to drag it across Cas' skin, "But I don't think I will."

"Dean, this isn't you," Cas tells him, "You have to stop this."

"I don't have to do anything," Dean retorts, leaving another scar across the angel's chest, "I'm the King of Hell now."

"No, you're a hunter, you're Dean Winchester," Cas says, "The Dean I know would never do this."

"I guess you didn't know me very well then did you?" Dean asks as he moves over to a table littered with torture devices.

"That's not true," Cas protests, "I know you better than almost anyone."

"You don't know a thing about me," Dean challenges, slamming his knife down on the table.

"I know about all the good things you've done, all the people you've saved, yet you still seem to think you're not good enough," Cas says, "I know that you're selfless, that you'd sacrifice yourself time and time again to save the people you love."

"The only person I love is myself," Dean informs Cas, his hands fisting and the knuckles turning white. He keeps his back turned towards Cas, refusing to look at him. Despite becoming a demon, there was still a human part of him. He still had feelings and wants and desires, but he refused to let Cas see that. Hurting Cas was the only way to keep his feelings for Cas at bay, to let the human part of him die.

"What about Sam?" Cas asks, "What about me?"

"What about you?" Dean asks.

"You love me," Cas says, "I know you do."

"If I loved you, do you think I'd have you locked up here?" Dean asks, "Do you think I'd be torturing you?"

"I think you love me, but the part of you that's a demon can't accept that. This is how you've chosen to deal with that," Cas reasons, "I don't blame you for what you've become, or what you've done. I forgive you Dean."

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