Book Club Angel (Metatron x Reader)

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Request: OH MY GOD YOU SAID YES. *calms down* I kinda want the reader and Metatron to meet at like a book club or a library or something and they bond over their shared love of pop culture, reading, and writing. They go out on a couple dates and it's all fluffy and smutty in the end. This means a lot omg thank you so much

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Metatron x Reader

Word Count: 2,903

Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, wing!kink

A/N: Y/F/B stands for your favorite book

Y/F/M stands for your favorite meal

I'm not the biggest Metatron fan, but I tried ... I hope this is ok!


You sit at the information desk of the library you work at, thumbing through the pages of Y/F/B. Today had been rather quiet and you'd found some time to read.

A soft click of shoes tells you that someone is approaching. You shut your book and look up to find a man leaning against the counter, a smile crosses his lips as his eyes meet yours.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" you ask.

"Sir is a little formal don't you think, Y/N?" he asks, leaning in to read your name tag, "You can call me Met." He holds his hand out and you shake it.

"Nice to meet you," you say, "So, what can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for a book," Met says.

"Well, you've come to the right place," you tell him, "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"I am actually," he responds, "I was looking for Y/F/B and the computer says you have it on the shelf, but when I looked, I couldn't find it."

"Oh, sorry about that," you say, "I grabbed the last copy and didn't bother to check it out. You can take it if you want it." You hold the book out to him, but he shakes his head.

"I don't want to steal it from you if you're halfway through it," Met says.

"No, really, it's fine," you tell him, "I've read it a thousand times."

"Maybe you could recommend something instead," he suggests. You rattle off a list of a few of your favorite books and he's read them all.

"I'm not sure if you'd even be interested, but would you like to join a book club?" you ask, "We read a lot of books like the one's I recommended."

"Sounds interesting," Met says, "When is it?"

"We meet every Friday from six to seven, sometimes longer depending on the conversation, in the lobby around the corner," you answer, "This week we're reading the first half of Y/F/B, which is why I stole it from the shelf. You're obviously not obligated to come if you don't want to, but I just thought I'd ask."

"I'll be there," Met tells you.

"Really?" you ask before handing him your copy of Y/F/B, "I'll see you there." You couldn't help but be excited for Friday.


When Friday rolls around, you find yourself watching the clock, waiting for the little hand to hit six. You greet the members of the club as they come through the door, but to your dismay none of them were Met. Just when you're about to give up, he touches your shoulder, making you jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he laughs.

"I didn't think you'd show," you say.

"I said I would, didn't I?" he responds. You give him a smile before leading him to the lobby. After introducing him to the group, you begin discussing the book. Met fits right in, making comments alongside everyone else. Most of his comments are right in line with yours and you're glad you invited him.

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