Wings (Castiel x Reader)

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Requests: May I have a Cas x female reader with wing!kink. Like they've been together for a while but one night she asks to see his wings? And when she touches them he gets really wanton and desperate, moaning, arching and begging for more? I'd love some needy Castiel smut. Please and thank you I would love you forever and if you have any questions about the request just message me, love you AND I know you have one like this but can you do a one shot w/Cas and the reader offers to help w/his wings because they're bothering him but he insists it's fine but she helps anyways and it's more intimate than she realized before? Maybe with white wings

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Castiel x Reader

Word Count: 2,147

Warnings: Smut, wing!kink


As soon as you enter your bedroom, you hear the sound of rustling feathers. Cas stands quickly from your bed and brushes himself off, trying to look as if he hadn't been up to anything. From the look on his face though you could tell something was wrong.

"Hey Cas," you greet him as you move to give him a hug, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Cas answers as his arms slip around you.

"Come on," you sigh, "We've been together long enough for me to know when something's bothering you, so what is it?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about," Cas answers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "Everything is fine."

"Cas, please," you beg, "If there's something I can do, I want to help."

"It's my wings," Cas tells you, "They're sore."

"Tell me how to help," you insist.

"I'm not sure you can," Cas says nervously, "It's just that they've been hidden on another plane for so long and I haven't gotten the chance to stretch them out in a while. I haven't groomed them for some time either."

"You don't have to hide them you know, not from me," you tell him, "And I can help you groom them, if you want me to."

"You'd do that?" Cas asks.

"Of course I would," you answer, "I love you Cas, and if you're in pain, I want to help make it better."

"I'm not sure I should show them to you," Cas worries, "An angel's wings are a very private thing."

"That's ok, if you don't feel comfortable then you don't have to show me," you tell him, "But if you want me to help, I'm right here for you."

"Thank you," Cas says. In the blink of an eye, he's gone. It hurt that he didn't trust you enough to share this with you, but you understood. His wings were a part of his very being and showing them to you would be like you showing him a part of your soul. You decide to watch T.V. to take your mind off of it.

It's a few hours before Cas returns, a look of desperation on his face. "I need your help," Cas tells you, "I've tried everything I can think of but nothing works. I've just been making things worse."

"Cas, come here," you tell him, holding out your arms as you sit up on the bed. Cas moves towards you, carelessly pushing his trench coat and blazer to the floor as he goes. You remove his tie and unbutton his shirt, allowing him to rid himself of that as well. "Here, sit on the edge of the bed ok?" Cas does as you ask and sits at the foot of your bed, his back towards you. You place your hands on his shoulders and rub gently. "May I see them?" you ask.

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