Surprise Trip (Benny x Reader)

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Request: Could you please do a Benny fic where he's been living with tfw and the reader at the bunker. And the reader mentions she didn't really have a great childhood and get to do fun stuff, so he takes her to the Disney or the Wizarding world of Harry Potter and on the last night of their trip there's a confession and some (more) smutty goodness!?!?

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Benny x Reader

Word Count: 3,095

Warnings: Smut, I think that's it


"I bet that would be fun," you comment as you watch the newest commercial for Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

"Wouldn't know," Dean says, "Never been."

"Yeah," you respond, "Me neither. I guess you don't get to go to Disney or Universal when you're raised as a hunter."

"You mostly get to see the inside of motel rooms," Sam comments.

"What was that place called again Darlin'?" Benny asks you.

"Universal Orlando," you tell him, "Why?"

"No particular reason," he responds. You watch as he pushes himself up from the couch and walks away. His actions were strange, but you decide to shrug your shoulders and go back to watching TV.


"Hey Y/N," Sam says, getting your attention, "We've got a hunt for you if you want it."

"What is it?" you ask.

"Nest of vampires," Dean responds, "Benny wants in if you'll let him tag along."

"Wait, just Benny and me?" you question. The mere idea of being locked in a car alone with your crush brings a blush to your cheeks.

"Yeah Darlin'," Benny says from behind you as he enters the room, "If you don't mind that is."

"No, I don't mind," you say quickly, "Um, where are we going? What should I pack?"

"We took the liberty of packing for you," Dean says, "The car's already set to go, all you have to do is get in."

"You ... Wait, did you go through my things?" you ask.

"You'll thank us later," Sam tells you, "Just go have fun."

"Yeah right," you grumble, "As much fun as hunting can be."

"Come on Darlin'," Benny says nodding his head towards the garage, "Better get on the road if you want to make it there in time." In time for what you didn't know. You also didn't know why everyone was acting so strangely, but you decide to follow Benny to the garage anyway.

Benny opens the passenger side door for you and each Winchester gives you a goodbye hug before you slip into the car. You wait for Benny to start the car's engine and pull out of the garage before you begin interrogating him.

"Where are we going?" you question.

"You'll see," he answers, to which you narrow your eyes.

"Why did the Winchesters pack my things? Did you help them?" you ask.

"So we could leave as soon as possible, and no, I didn't Darlin'," he replies, never taking his eyes off the road.

"Wait, why are you driving?" you inquire, "You might be older than I am, but I'm willing to bet that I've driven a car more than you have."

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