Kali Ships it (Gabriel x Reader)

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Request: Hey could I request a gabexreader fic where the reader and TFW have to work with Gabriel and Kali for a case. And the reader and Gabriel like each other but the reader thinks Gabriel and Kali are a thing still? And Kali knows how much Gabriel likes the reader so she tries to get them together? Thank you!! AND Hi! You have THE BEST imagine blog I've come across!! I'm hoping that you could do a Gabriel x reader again sometime? They're my favorites, I just love the way yall write him!!

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Gabriel x Reader

Word Count: 3,839

Warnings: Fighting/violence, blood, reader is injured (and healed by Gabe), smut, oral


"What do you want this time?" Dean asks, frustrated by the mere presence of Gabriel.

"We need your help," Kali answers. You try not to look too long at the goddess. She was a source of constant frustration for you. Not only was she beautiful, powerful, and graceful beyond compare, but she had Gabe wrapped around her finger. He loved her, and why shouldn't he? You knew your feelings for him were misplaced. Kali was a perfect goddess while you were a lowly human.

"What with?" Sam asks.

"Well," Gabe begins, "I'm not sure how versed you are in Norse mythology, but to put it simply, Frey lost his sword again."

"You mean Lævateinn?" you ask.

"Yeah," Gabe replies, he almost sounds proud of you, "And like always, he's sending other people to do his dirty work."

"What does this have to do with us?" Cas asks.

"Six minds are better than two," Kali answers.

"Besides, if Frey doesn't get his sword back, it could mean the end for him if Ragnarok comes around," Gabe adds.

"Do you have any clue where to start looking?" you ask.

"A few," Gabe replies, "Somewhere in Hell for a start."

"Do you think Surtr has it?" you question.

"That was actually my thought," Gabe says.

"Who's Surtr?" Dean asks.

"Maybe you'd know if you knew how to read a book," Gabe says.

"He's a fire demon," you explain, "It's prophesized that he'll fight Frey in Ragnarok. It's also prophesized that Frey will be killed because he's missing his sword."

"Will you help us or not?" Kali asks, her voice exasperated.

"Can I just ask, why do a goddess and an archangel need the help of some hunters?" Sam inquiries.

"You have connections we don't," Gabe says.

"I believe we should help," Cas chimes in, "They've helped us before and we owe them."

"I agree," you say, probably a little too quickly. You would take any chance you got to spend time with Gabe even if you knew it would never amount to anything.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Dean asks.

"I suggest we split into two groups, one to research and one to do field work," Kali suggests.

"Obviously Kali and I are doing the field work," Gabe says, "And we're taking Y/N with us."

"Me?" you ask, surprised. You watch as Gabe smirks and Kali sighs.

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