Promise (Gabriel x Reader x Castiel)

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Original Imagine: Imagine being in a threesome with Gabriel and Castiel (

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Gabriel x Reader x Castiel

Word Count: 3,031

Warnings: Smut, threesome, anal, unprotected sex, cursing, reader is injured but is healed (so mentions of injury and blood), nothing else I can think of.


Blood drips from the wound in your side as you try desperately to reach your car. You've lost too much blood already, you'll never make it. You fall to your knees hard before slumping to your side. Silently, you send prayers to your angels, but they were nowhere to be seen. Your vision slips away and a silent, black coldness surrounds you. The last thing you remember before drifting away completely is wishing you could say goodbye to the people you love.

* * *

The feeling of being surrounded by warmth registers in your mind, making you smile. You had been so cold. The pain from earlier was gone and you felt like you had been healed to perfection. Hands ran up and down your arm and back. "I think she's waking up," you hear a voice say. The sound is familiar, but your hazy mind can't place it. Your eyes flutter open.

"There's my girl!" Gabriel exclaims as your eyes meet his. He smiles at you, but there's a sadness bleeding through his expression. His hand moves from your arm to caress your face as he leans in to kiss you.

"Our girl," you hear another voice growl from behind you. Castiel? You break your kiss with Gabe to look behind you and what you see makes another smile break out across your face. Castiel's hand moves up to cup your cheek as he slowly presses his lips to yours.

You must've died and gone to Heaven. Never in your life had you been sandwiched between the two men you loved. True, you were dating both of them, and they seemed okay with sharing you, but you were hardly ever in the same room with both of them, let alone the same bed.

Gabriel had entered your life a couple of years ago when you had been hunting a trickster. You had hunted him down and were prepared to take him out when he had turned the tables on you by putting you in TV land. His game was simple, play along and you could leave. It had been easy at first; you played the part of a game show contestant, detective, cop, doctor, cowgirl, and so on. Things became more interesting when Gabe started casting himself as the leading man with you as his leading lady. The first time you had kissed him, you were simply playing along, hoping that if you gave him what he wanted, he'd let you go. Eventually, however, you found that the more you played along, the less you had to act. You had fallen for him, hard. As his grand finale, Gabe had cast you as his costar in a Casa Erotica film and you were only too happy to 'play along.' Gabe eventually let you out of TV land, but he didn't let you go. He had fallen for you just as hard as you had fallen for him.

Castiel had been a different story. You met him just over six months after you had met Gabe. The hunt you had been on caused you to cross paths with Sam and Dean Winchester. When they learned that you were a lone hunter, they asked you to join them. It had to be safer than hunting alone so you gladly moved into the bunker with them, though you neglected to inform them of your relationship with your archangel. Gabe didn't have a problem with it, in fact he rather enjoyed sneaking around with you behind the boy's backs. Soon after you had moved into the bunker, you met Castiel and were instantly attracted to the dark haired, blue eyed angel in a trench coat. What could you say? You had a thing for angels, but you never made any advances toward Cas, you were too in love with Gabe to hurt him like that. It was Cas who made the first move. You had been at a bar celebrating a successful hunt with Sam, Dean, and Cas when Cas suddenly stood to reach across the table you all sat at to kiss you. He didn't even care that Sam and Dean were staring; and while you had wanted to kiss Cas for a while now, you had to make him stop. It was time you told them all about your relationship with Gabe. You told them your story and finished by praying to Gabe. He appeared in a flutter of wings to confirm the story you had told the boys.

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