Listen to Me (Gabriel x Reader)

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Request: Hello love, how ya doing today? I've been reading your fics, and I absolutely love them! I was just wondering if you could do a Sweet!Gabriel fic. Maybe Dean offends the reader after a difficult and nasty hunt, (maybe they were together for a while before she leaves him for Gabriel, or something) and Gabriel defends her, then he shows her that Dean is wrong.??

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Gabriel x Reader

Word Count: 2,345

Warnings: Dean being a dick to the reader, a little angsty, fighting between Gabe and Dean, low self esteem, fluff, smut, oral


"You're so stupid," Dean shouts at you, "You could've gotten us all killed. Look at Sam, he's bleeding out. If your boyfriend doesn't get here soon and fix this I'll kill him." Tears stream down your face.

You couldn't really blame him for being upset with you. It was your fault that Sam was hurt. You were supposed to go through the east door of the warehouse, which you did, but once inside you had gotten lost in the maze of hallways. Sam and Dean had gone in from the north and west respectively and the three of you were supposed to meet in the middle of the warehouse to surround the demons you were hunting.

The fact that you got lost meant that you showed up later than the other two. By the time you had gotten there, the demons had over run Sam and Dean. Sam had been knocked out and Dean stood over him, trying to protect him. You ran into the room and fought as hard as you could.

By the end, the demons were dead, Sam had lost way too much blood and probably had a concussion, and both you and Dean had been beaten and battered. Blood covered your clothes. Some of it was yours, but the majority of it was a mix of Sam's and demon blood.

"I'm sorry," you whisper from where you sit at the end of the bed. Dean paces the motel room, only stopping to yell at you.

"Sorry?" he asks, "You almost get my brother killed and all you have to say is you're sorry?"

You didn't know what else to say. You were sorry, truly. It wasn't like you wanted Sam to get hurt or had intended on getting lost. You already felt bad enough without Dean yelling at you. That was part of the reason you had left him.

You had dated Dean a while back, and you had loved him, but he wasn't what you needed in a boyfriend. Your relationship had gone on longer than it probably should have, and you probably would've let it continue if it hadn't been for Gabriel. The blonde haired, whiskey eyed angel had popped into your life one day and you instantly fell for him. He wasn't only everything you wanted, but also everything you needed. Gabriel was your angel, both metaphorically and literally.

Gabe, please, where are you? you ask, begging him to get there soon. Dean continues pacing and mumbling words under his breath. The sound of wings announces Gabe's arrival, but you don't even turn to face him.

"Hey Sugar, sorry it took so long, I was just - what the Hell happened?" he asks as he realizes the state you're in. He rushes to you and kneels down in front of you, taking your face between his hands; he lifts your gaze until you see his beautiful whiskey colored eyes. He brushes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, smearing blood and dirt across your face. "Is this your blood?" he asks urgently, "Where are you hurt?" You shake your head.

"Took you long enough," you hear Dean grumble.

"I'm fine Gabe, help Sam first," you say. He nods and does as you ask, walking to where Sam lays unconscious on the bed in order to examine his wounds.

"You're lucky your boyfriend can fix your messes," Dean says.

"Was that a threat?" Gabe asks in a warning tone. Gabe's eyes glow as he heals Sam's wounds.

My Supernatural Oneshots (Multi chapter stories are found outside of this book)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon