LARPing (Dean x Reader)

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Request: May I just say I love your writing? You're awesome! I was thrilled when I saw "Requests are OPEN"! May I please ask for a piece where reader is Charlie's sister and she meets the Winchester brothers at the LARP event, where she is dressed as the queen's elven princess sister. At the realization of the curses of people, Charlie asks Dean to take care of her sister, and it ends with smut? :) Thank you!

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2,558

Warnings: Mentions of violence (but nothing too graphic), roleplaying, smut, unprotected sex, language

A/N: I went to the Renaissance Fair lately and it made me want to write this one. I hope you guys like it!


"M'lady," a voice says from behind you, drawing your attention from the battle map spread out on the table in front of you.

"Yes Boltar?" you as you turn to face him, your red and white dress rustling as you do.

"There are some, ah, visitors here to see the Queen," he announces, quietly adding, "I told them that FBI role playing isn't allowed."

"That's quite alright Boltar," you tell him, "The Queen is in her tent if you would care to fetch her."

"Yes M'lady," Boltar says before leaving the tent you were currently in. You turn to examine the two men standing before you. One is taller than the other with long, brown hair and hazel eyes. The slightly shorter one has short, dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. Both are attractive in their own right, but something about them makes you think you should know who they are.

"Hello," you say, holding out your hand, "My name is Y/N, and you are?"

"I'm Sam," the taller one says, shaking your hand, "And this is Dean." He gestures to the man beside him. The names sound familiar, but you still can't put your finger on it. You hold out your hand to Dean and expect him to shake it, but instead, he takes your hand and raises it to his lips as he bows.

"My Lady," he says before pressing his lips to your knuckles. A blush rises to your cheeks as his eyes flick up to meet yours.

"I thought I told you not to find me," Charlie says as she enters the tent. She looks from you to Dean and her eyes narrow. "And get away from my sister," she adds. Dean stands back up and releases your hand.

"Sorry," Dean says, "I didn't know you had a sister." He keeps his eyes on the floor as if he's trying to keep them off you.

"Well, I do," Charlie says, "So what is it this time?"

"There seem to be some mysterious deaths happening around here lately," Sam answers, "We think they're linked to this event somehow."

"Oh come on," Charlie says skeptically, "It's not like LARPing ever killed anyone."

"Well something's been killing these people," Dean says. Suddenly it clicked, Charlie had told you about these men.

"You're the Winchesters aren't you?" you ask.

"Yeah," Sam says, looking surprised, "Did Charlie tell you about us?"

"Yes," Charlie answers, "I did. And I also warned her that the two of you are trouble. If there's something going on around here, you're going to talk to me and leave my sister out of it."

"But I -" you begin, but Charlie cuts you off.

"Y/N, please, go to your tent and don't come out until I come and get you," Charlie says, "Whatever's going on here, I want you to be safe."

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