Three Years Gone (Sam x Reader)

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Request: Hey. I was wondering if you could do a one shot. So you've been in hell for 3 years and you come back and Sam is so happy to see you then later that night you have awesome, loving, sweet sex. Would love if you could. Your blog is awesome by the way

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Word Count: 1,938

Warnings: mentions of reader's death, fluff, smut

A/N: I'm not sure that what I wrote follows the prompt very well, but it's generally the same. I may have added something...


Your husband had been the last person you saw before you had gone to Hell, and the first person you saw when you came back. He sat on his bed, the bed you had shared with him before your death. His back was turned towards you, his head in his hands.

A hand rested on your shoulder. You look over to see who the hand belonged to find Castiel smiling at you. You're not sure how you had come to be standing in Sam's room, but Cas must have had something to do with it. "Go away Cas," Sam says, his voice rough. Cas nods farewell to you and disappears with a flap of his wings.

You take a few steps forward. "I said go away Cas," Sam says a little louder.

You reach your hand out and place it on his shoulder. "Sam?" you whisper.

"Did you not hear me? I said... " his words trail off. His hand is wrapped around your wrist and his body is half turned towards you. "Y/N?" Sam asks, a look of shock crossing his features. His eyes are bloodshot and tear trails mark his cheeks. A photo album sits at his feet, a picture from your wedding day stares up at you.

"Yeah, it's me," you respond quietly as you reach out to brush his cheek with your fingertips.

"It can't be," Sam laughs bitterly before turning away from you, "This is just another nightmare." He lets go of your wrist and buries his face in his hands. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" he tells himself.

"Sam," you say gently, "I'm here, I'm right here." You move the photo album to the side and kneel before him. You take his face between your hands and lift his gaze to meet yours.

Fresh tears stream down his stubble covered cheeks and you wipe them away with your thumbs. "How?" he asks. You didn't have an answer.

"Does it matter?" you ask. He shakes his head 'no' and takes one of your hands in his, guiding you to straddle his lap.

"You kept it," you say as you run your thumb over his wedding ring.

"Of course I did," Sam says, "I kept yours too." Sam reaches into his shirt and pulls out a chain that's fastened around his neck. Two rings hang from the chain, your engagement ring and your wedding band. He reaches up and cups your cheek with is free hand. "Are you really here?" he asks, "This isn't just a dream?"

"It's not a dream," you respond, "I'm right here." You place your hands on his shoulders and lean in to kiss him. Before your lips meet his, he pulls the chain from his neck and lets the rings fall into his hands. He takes your left hand in his and raises it to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before sliding the rings onto your ring finger.

"I've missed you," Sam says as he wraps his strong arms around you and pulls you tightly against his chest. You breathe in his scent. He smells different than you remember, the musk and spice you remember is tainted by the scent of alcohol.

"Sam, I can't breathe," you say. He holds you so tightly you feel like he might crush you.

"Sorry," Sam says, "I just don't want to let you go."

My Supernatural Oneshots (Multi chapter stories are found outside of this book)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara