Possessive (Adam x Reader)

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Requests: Can you do a one shot of Adam Milligan x female!Reader where he takes you out for Valentine's Day and notices some random guys flirting with you? He gets really possessive of you and it ends in smut. Thank you. ( ' ▽ ' )ノ AND Could I please ask for some rough!possessive!Adam x fem!hunter!reader smut? Where he tells her to take his c**k and says she belongs to him and makes her repeat it again and again. Thank you <3

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Adam x Reader

Word Count: 2,244

Warnings: Jealous!Adam, possessive!Adam, smut, rough sex, dom!Adam, sub!Reader, car sex, language


"I'll be right back," Adam says as he heads up to the counter of the diner to order some milkshakes. You smile as you watch him go. You'd been dating him ever since he'd come back from the cage and decided to follow you on all of your hunts. He insisted on taking you out for Valentine's even though you told him he didn't have to. You told him that hunting didn't really leave time for things like that, but he persisted and you finally caved in.

You pick up your fork and begin twirling it between your fingers as you wait for Adam to come back. The bell on the door rings and you look up as four rowdy guys enter the restaurant. Adam eyes them as if checking to make sure they aren't a threat, but turns his attention back to the waitress who's taking his order. One of the men winks at you as he walks by before the four of them take the booth behind you.

"Hey there Gorgeous," one of the men says as he turns and drapes his arm over the back of your seat, "What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone on Valentine's day?"

"Enjoying myself," you respond, "But I'm not alone, my boyfriend will be back any minute."

"And he just left you all on your own?" another of the men asks with a grin, "What a jerk."

"What? Couldn't find dates of your own so you have to steal someone else's?" you ask with a smirk, turning in your seat to face them.

"Well, if I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't leave you alone the way he's done," a third man says, "You never know when devilishly handsome man might show up and steal your girl away."

"Well, my boyfriend doesn't have to worry about that," you assure them with a smile.

"Come on Sweetheart," the fourth man says, "Give a guy a chance."

"You don't even know our names," the first guy says, "I'm Max." He extends his hand and you decide to shake it. "This is Dan, Jackson, and Blake," Max continues as he goes around the table and introduces each of the men in turn. Blake reaches out to shake your hand as well and you can feel yourself being watched.

"You're free to join us if you want," Dan says, "You know, until your boyfriend comes back."

"I think I'd be a bit outnumbered," you say as way of refusal, "Besides, like I said, my boyfriend will be back any minute."

"Well, if you change your mind, we'll be right here Sweetheart," Blake says.

"Y/N, who are your new friends?" Adam asks, he sounds tense. You knew his time in the pit had made him protective and possessive. After losing everything, you were the one person he clung to, the one thing he refused to give up.

"Oh, this is Max, Dan, Jackson, and Blake," you tell him, "Boys, this is the boyfriend I was telling you about."

"So he does exist," one of the men teases.

"Yeah, he does," Adam says as he sits in the booth opposite from you and slides your milkshake to you across the table top, "And he doesn't appreciate other men flirting with his girlfriend." He begins drinking his shake, trying to ignore the other men.

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