Siren's Call (Sam x Reader)

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Request: I love your blog sooooo much I was wondering if you could write a Sam / reader where reader catches Sam cheating. Sam tries to make up with her and it ends in fluffy rough type of smut. Please and thank you.

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Word Count: 2,978

Warnings: Sam cheating, language, smut, rough smut

A/N: Okay, I wrote this on a plane flight because I couldn't sleep. I hope it makes sense!


"I'm back!" you announce, tossing your motel room key onto the nearest table. You had gone on a hunt with Sam, but he wasn't feeling so well. The two of you had decided to take the day off from hunting and relax so Sam could get better. When he had gotten hungry, you volunteered to get you both some food.

The bedroom lights are all on, but Sam isn't in the room. "I brought food," you add, shaking the bags you held in your hand. Still no answer. You notice the bathroom door is cracked and steam is coming through, maybe he'd decided to take a shower. You pop your head into the room to get his attention. "Sam, I brought the –" you begin, but you're cut off by the sight in front of you. You drop the bags of food to the floor in shock.

"Sam?" you question, pain in your voice. He doesn't answer, he's too entranced by the girl riding him. The way he looks at her, it's the same way he looks at you when you're with him. The girl ignores you too, obviously enjoying herself as she rides Sam's cock. The water sloshes around in the tub as they move in sync with each other. "How could you?" you scream, refusing to be ignored any longer.

Sam shakes his head as if coming out of a trance. "Y/N?" he asks as if he's shocked to see you, "What the hell is going on?" He looks from the girl on his lap to you as if he's confused.

"I could ask you the same," you retort before storming off, not even waiting for an explanation.

"Y/N, come back," Sam shouts, but it's too late. You're already out the door and headed for the car. Before he even gets the chance to come outside, you turn the key in the ignition and hit the gas. You turn your car towards home, if you could still call it that. The bunker belonged to Sam and Dean; from the looks of it, one of them didn't want you around anymore.

"Back already?" Dean asks as you storm into the bunker.

"You can blame your brother for that," you respond, tears running down your face.

"What happened?" Dean asks, "Lover's spat?"

"Pft," you scoff, "If you call Sam fucking another woman a 'spat,' then yeah, we had a spat."

"What?" Dean asks, sounding almost as disgusted as you felt, "That doesn't sound like Sam. Are you sure that's really what's going on?"

"Is seeing his cock inside her enough proof?" you spit back angrily.

"He wouldn't," Dean says, "He loves you and he's loyal to a fault."

"I understand that you want to defend him," you say, "He's your brother, I get it; but I know what I saw."

"But he's your fiancé," Dean reasons.

"Yeah, not anymore," you tell him, pulling your engagement ring off your finger, "Tell him the 'girl of his dreams' said he can shove it."

"Let me talk to him," Dean offers, looking down at the ring in the palm of his hand, "This has to be a misunderstanding."

"You do what you want," you tell him, "But as far as I'm concerned, Sam and I are through." You march off to your room, the one you had used before moving into Sam's room, and slam the door shut.

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