A Simple Touch (Castiel x Reader)

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Request: Hi! I love your writing and I was wondering if I could request a Cas fic? Could it maybe go something like the reader has a sore back and Cas offers to give her a massage. She happily accepts and at some point he places a kiss to the bottom of her neck and she tenses slightly surprised at the action, but Cas thinks she doesn't want him to go further so he quickly apologizes and turns to leave before she stops him, assures him she liked him for a long time and smut ensues! Thank you so much! <3

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Castiel x Reader

Word Count: 1,673

Warnings: Fluff, smut, unprotected sex

A/N: I slid on ice and hurt my back/hip the other day so writing this came at the perfect time!


"Hey Y/N, Sam, Cas, and I are heading out to the bar now, you wanna come with?" Dean asks as he pops his head into your bedroom. You lie on your stomach on your bed with a heating pad on your back. The last hunt hadn't gone exactly as planned and you'd wound up pulling something in your back.

"No thanks," you groan, "I'm still not feeling quite up to it. My back is still killing me. You guys have fun, tell Cas I say hi."

"Oh, ok," Dean says, "I hope you feel better soon." He offers you a sincere smile before closing the door. Within a few minutes, you hear the Impala pulling out of the bunker's garage.

Finally alone, you hope you can get some much needed rest. You roll your shoulders and try to get as comfortable as you can. You turn the heating pad down to low so you can sleep comfortably without worrying about burning yourself.

The silence in your room is broken by a sudden flap of wings that makes you jump and sends pain shooting through your back. You let out a little yelp of pain and suddenly a large hand is on your shoulder.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Cas asks, his tone worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you lie. "I just pulled a muscle or something, I'll be better soon."

"Dean told me that you were in pain, I thought I could be of assistance. Would it be helpful if I gave you a massage?" Cas offers.

"Um, maybe," you say, trying not to sound overly eager. You had imagined things like this before; Cas' hands running over your body. You weren't sure why he hadn't just offered to use his grace to heal you, but there was no way you were going to turn down this opportunity to have him touch you, even if it was only in a platonic manner.

"Remove your clothing please," Cas says completely casually.

"Gese Cas, take me on a date first," you say jokingly. Cas' face turns red.

"I apologize," Cas says nervously, running a hand through his hair, "I only meant –"

"I know Cas, I was kidding," you try to calm him, "don't look."
"Oh," Cas says as you sit up on the bed, trying to cause yourself as little pain as possible. You pull your shirt over your head and remove your bra before moving to lie back down on the bed. Ever the gentleman, Cas keeps his eyes on the floor until you tell him it's ok to look.

From the corner of your eye, you see Cas remove his trench coat and blazer before moving to sit by your side on the bed. He begins by brushing your hair to the side and placing his hands on your shoulders, rubbing small circles on your skin with his thumbs. You let out a small moan at the feeling. It's only a simple touch, but it's something you've been craving for months now. Cas immediately stops. "Did I hurt you?" he asks worriedly.

"No, Cas, it feels great," you assure him as your eyes flutter shut. He starts rubbing circles with his thumbs again before using the whole of his hands to knead your tense shoulders. Suddenly, a pleasant warm feeling begins to sink into your skin where Cas touches you. His hands begin to move down your back massaging as he goes, the warm feeling following his hands. Everywhere he touches you, the pain recedes until you feel absolutely no pain at all.

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