An Omega in Heat (Male!Reader Version) (Gadreel x Reader)

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Request: Your blog is awesome and I don't care what other people say, you write great m/m fics. Thank you for being one of the rare writers willing to write them! Can I please ask for a male!reader version of An Omega in Heat?

Reader Sex: Male

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Gadreel x Reader

Word Count: 2,457

Warnings: AU, A/B/O dynamics, Alpha!Reader, Omega!Gadreel, Dom!Reader, Sub!Gadreel, Gadreel in heat, language, smut, oral, orgasm denial

A/N: This is the male!reader version of the A/B/O fic I wrote based on this request: Hey is there any way you could maybe do a Dom!reader sub!gadreel fic???? Also, thank you for the compliment, I hope you like this one too! I've never written a m/m A/B/O fic before so I'm not sure how well it turned out


The scent hit you the moment you pulled into the driveway, the smell of Gadreel mixed with pheromones and cum. It was overwhelming, your stomach twisting and slick beginning to soak your panties. As soon as you picked up the scent, you cared for little else. You pulled into the garage and locked up, but left your shopping bags in the car, they could wait.

You rush into the house and search for Gadreel. It wasn't hard to find him; all you had to do was follow the scent and the sound of his moans. You find your omega splayed out on your bed, both hands wrapped around his cock as he tries to keep his knot swollen, his abdomen and chest striped with his own cum. "Gadreel, what do you think you're doing?" you ask, licking your lips at the sight.

"I am sorry alpha," Gadreel says, jumping when he hears your voice, "I had to. I went into heat and I had to touch myself." He looks ashamed and releases his cock, his knot disappearing quickly without any pressure around it to keep it swollen.

"That's not what I meant," you assure him, "I don't blame you for wanting some relief, but what's the first thing my little omega is supposed to do when he goes into heat?"

"Get home as quickly as possible and avoid other alphas," Gadreel answers. Well, he wasn't wrong, but that wasn't the answer you were looking for. You move towards him and crawl onto the bed, straddling his lap before pressing a hand to his chest and forcing him down against the bed.

"You're supposed to call me," you tell him, "I gave you an order, do you remember?"

"You were out and I didn't want to bother you," Gadreel says, trying to cover his mistake.

"I would drop everything and come running for you," you tell him, "You know that. You're my omega and as your alpha it's my job to take care if you, but I can't do that if you don't tell me when you need me to come home." You pull your hand from his chest and lick his salty, sticky cum from your fingers. "Does my little omega need anything before we start?" you ask, running your hands down his arms.

"No alpha, the only thing I need is you," Gadreel says, his eyes full of desperate longing.

"Then why didn't you call me?" you tease, "I would've been here much sooner, I could've already been knotted inside you."

"I'm sorry Y/N," Gadreel says, "I should've called my alpha as soon as it happened. Please, I need you." His hands slide over your body, worshipping each inch of you.

"You've been a bad little omega," you tell him, "I think you need to be punished first. I can touch you, but you can't touch me, understood?" Gadreel nods and obediently pulls his hands away from your body. Leaning down, you lick each stripe of cum from his skin, humming against him at the taste.

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