Charmed (Gabriel x Reader)

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Request: Hello, I would like to request a Gabriel x reader fic where the pagans capture Sam and Dean (in a different setting than Hammer of the Gods, cause Lucifer is a real drag yo). And the reader casually saunters into the pagans meeting and manages to charm her way into them letting Sam and Dean go? And Gabriel gets so charmed by her that once the situation is over he follows you all back to bunker trying to talk to you? (sorry this is so specific the idea just got stuck in my head) Thank you!

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Gabriel x Reader

Word Count: 2,231

Warnings: None that I can think of, just fluffy and no smut

A/N: I centered this around the events of hammer of the gods, but things go differently and Lucifer never shows up, so no worries there! The timeline is off with the bunker and all, but whatever.


"Oh please," you say, "If you honestly think I don't want to kill them sometimes, you're crazy." Sam and Dean look at you with panicked expressions from where they're tied up in the center of the room. Pagan gods and goddess sit at a table that surrounds the boys on three sides.

"If that's true, then why haven't you done it yet?" Kali asks.

"I know better," you respond, "I need them, the world needs them, blah blah blah. But the main reason is I know that even if I kill them, Michael and Lucifer will bring them back to life with a snap of their fingers and all of my efforts will go to waste."

"So you're saying we'd be wasting our time if we killed them?" Baldr asks from Kali's side.

"Well, yes," you say as you saunter around the half circle created by the tables, looking to each god and goddess in turn, "If you were to kill them, not only would Michael and Lucifer bring them right back, they would know exactly where their vessels are."

"What would happen if we gave the two archangels their vessels?" Odin muses from behind you.

"We can't do that," Loki says with a frantic look on his face.

"I'm sorry All-father, but I have to agree with Loki," you say, trying to flatter Odin with the title, "Being the wisest god, surely you can see that giving the archangels their vessels would mean the destruction of all the pagan gods."

"We've died before, in Ragnarok, and we'll die again when Ragnarok reoccurs," Odin reasons.

"Yes All-father, but please, listen to reason. You're timeline is cyclical. Every event has occurred, is occurring, and will occur again in a similar but different form. The Christian timeline is a straight one, not cyclical. There is a chance that if you die as a result of the Christian apocalypse, you may not return," you say, trying to sway Odin's mind.

"But perhaps if we give them their vessels, they'll let us be," Baldr suggests.

"Let us be?" Loki scoffs from off to your side, "You can't honestly believe that." A rabble starts up around the table.

"Please," you say loudly, trying to draw their attention. You move to stand behind Sam and Dean and place a hand on a shoulder of each of them. The rabble dies down and focus returns to you. "Look at them now. These Winchester boys are weak," you say. Dean opens his mouth in protest, but you smack him upside the head to shut him up. "See how easy they are to manipulate?" you continue, "Now imagine that two angry archangels inhabit their bodies. Do you think I, a lowly human, could manipulate them? Do you think you could do any better than me? Trust me, if you hand them over to Michael and Lucifer, they won't thank you, they won't let you be. They'll ask you to pick sides, to risk your life fighting for their cause; and if you don't, they'll erase you from the face of the planet with a flick of their wrist." You let the words hang in the air, the silence is overwhelming.

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