Go Talk to Him (Adam x Reader)

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Request: I don't know if this qualifies for angel week, but whatabout an angel!reader where she is Adam's guardian angel and she pulls him from the pit. She hangs around for awhile, and he falls for her + is a bit possessive and flirty, but she's pretty oblivious (providing much fuel for Sam and Dean teasing Adam). But he eventually succeeds and it ends in steamy sex with virgin!angel!reader in the bath/shower?

Reader Gender: Female anatomy, but no gender pronouns

Pairing: Adam x Angel!Reader

Word Count: 2,057

Warnings: Angel!Reader, virgin!Reader, mention of scars, mention of pain (loss of virginity), smut

A/N: Sure! Why not count this as part of Angel Week?


"Good morning beautiful," Dean says to you as he walks into the kitchen. You smile at him as he walks past you. Adam's eyes narrow at Dean as he scoots closer to your side at the table. His hand brushes yours, but you pull your hand away as you turn to face Dean.

"Good morning Dean," you respond brightly. Sam walks in and joins you at the table as Dean begins cooking up some breakfast for himself and his brothers. He looks from you to Adam before he begins to speak.

"You two doing anything interesting today?" Sam asks.

"Not especially," you respond. Dean snickers behind you. You're not sure what's so funny.

Adam shoots Dean a look over his shoulder. "Would you maybe want to go grab some breakfast with me?" Adam asks you.

"Why?" you ask, "Dean is cooking breakfast here. Besides, I am an angel, I don't eat."

"Oh," Adam says. Sam and Dean both laugh. Why was this so funny? "What about a movie later?" Adam asks you.

"Aren't there more important things to do?" you ask, "Research perhaps?" Sam and Dean snicker again. Adam shoots both Sam and Dean angry looks.

"I'm going to go take a shower," Adam says angrily as he stands from the table and walks away. You weren't sure why he was angry, but it upset you that he felt that way. Ever since you had pulled him from the pit, you'd become fond of him. You'd become his self proclaimed guardian angel.

"Is Adam angry with me?" you ask, afraid that you'd hurt him in some way.

"No," Sam says, "If anything he's fed up with Dean and I."

"Why?" you ask.

"Because we keep making fun of him," Dean responds from behind you.

"Why would you do that?" you inquire.

"You really don't see it, do you?" Sam asks.

"I'm sorry," you say, "I don't understand what you mean."

"He likes you," Dean says.

"I like him too," you say brightly.

"No, I mean he like, likes you," Dean says, "He's got a crush on you."

"What is a crush and why does he have one on me?" you ask. Dean laughs, but Sam takes pity on you and answers your question.

"When you have a crush on someone, it means you like them as more than a friend," Sam says, "Adam is falling in love with you."

"Oh," you respond quietly. You'd heard of this particular human emotion, yet you had no clue what it really meant.

"You should go talk to him," Dean says with a snicker.

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