Dream My Darling (Adam x Reader)

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Summary:I decided to take a little break from requests (sorry about that) to write this because I felt like I needed to include Adam on my blog. Basically, Adam is back from the pit and the reader finds out he's been having nightmares. The reader then attempts to help him.

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing:Adam x Reader

Word Count: 2,503

Warnings: Adam has PTSD/nightmares (but not a lot of detail), fluff, smut, biting

A/N: In the story, the reader sings to Adam. I didn't specify a song, so you can imagine whatever song you like, but the song I had in mind when I wrote this was Dream My Darling, by Lynda Kay.


You lay in bed, frustrated by your inability to sleep. You were itching to be out on the hunt with Sam and Dean, but they had insisted you stay behind this time; someone had to stay with Adam. The two of you weren't exactly close; he'd come back from the pit about three months ago and during that time, the two of you had never really talked. He was quiet, shy even. You never knew him before he was in the pit, but you guessed that his extended stay in Hell had probably changed him and he wasn't ready to share that with you, a stranger.

Finally, you decided to get up and make yourself a nice warm beverage, maybe it would help you sleep. You tiptoe down the hall, trying not to be loud enough to wake Adam, as you make your way to the kitchen. Once you've made your drink, you head back to your room, the warm mug between your hands; this time something is different. As you move past Adam's room, you hear groaning. "Please don't," you hear him say, "Stop!"

You drop your mug to the floor, shattering it, and turn the handle of his door, only to find it locked. You sprint to your room and grab your lock picking kit along with a gun before sprinting back to Adam's room. As you pick the lock, you can hear Adam shouting "No!" and "Leave me alone!" His distress only makes you move faster. When you finally get the door unlocked, you swing the door wide open and flick on the light. You lift your gun, prepared to shoot the thing that was attacking Adam; but there was nothing. Instead, you see Adam writhing on the bed, a thin layer of sweat covering his exposed skin. The sheets fly around him as he twists and turns.

"Adam," you say concerned as his eyes fly open. The gun slips from your fingers and hits the floor. He looks at you, horrified; you're not sure if it's because of his nightmare, or because you've just seen him like this.

"Oh God, Y/N" he says, covering his face, "please don't tell Sam and Dean. I didn't want anyone to know about this."

"Adam, I won't tell them anything you don't want me to. How long has this been going on?" you question as you move closer to the bed.

"Ever since I came back," he says quietly.

You're standing close to the bed when you point to the empty spot beside him, "May I?" He nods and you move to sit down next to him. You place your hand on his shoulder gently, "Adam, I know we don't know each other very well, but I wish you had told me about this; or someone at least."

"I didn't want you guys to think less of me," he responds.

"Adam, you spent years in Hell. The fact that you have nightmares is not going to make anyone think less of you, certainly not me."

His eyes peak out from behind his hands, "Really?"

"Yeah," you say as you run your hand down his arm in an attempt to be comforting.

"Y/N, could you stay?" he asks and his question shocks you. His blue-green eyes watch you, waiting for an answer.

"You want me to stay here? In this room, with you?" you ask, trying to clarify.

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