Conjugal (Gabriel x Reader)

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Request: I have an AU request. Doesn't really matter who. One person is in prison and they're expecting their significant other for a conjugal visit. It's really heated and passionate because it's been a while since they've seen each other and towards the end it gets fluffy because they know it'll be a while until they can do it again.

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Gabriel x Reader

Word Count: 1,837

Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, cursing, human!Gabriel

A/N: I decided to go with Gabe for this one because of his trickster ways. It never says that Gabe is expressly human in this fic, but I figured he would have to be human or else he would just zap himself out of jail.


Waiting in a line to enter a jail always made you nervous even though you did this every week. Ever since your husband had been put in jail, you made sure to visit him as often as you could.

Gabriel had a knack for messing with people; especially people who thought they were above everyone else because they had money or a high position job. The last person Gabe had tried to mess with was extremely well connected meaning that he was able to get Gabe an extended sentence. Gabe had been in jail for what seemed like forever, but today was that one day when you not only got to see your husband, but touch him, kiss him, and, well, other things.

You walk through a metal detector and pick up your possessions on the other side. A rather large and intimidating guard directs you to a waiting room and you take a seat. You feel confined, like everyone is watching you and judging you for being in love with a criminal. Sure, Gabe did some bad things from time to time, but he was more of a trickster than a hardened criminal.

"Y/N?" you hear your name called from the reception desk.

"Yes," you reply, standing quickly. A guard walks towards you and motions for you to follow. He leads you out to a pathway, fences containing inmates on either side. You can feel their eyes on you, but you shake the feeling and keep going. Finally, the guard leads you to a small cabin-like establishment. It's still surrounded by a fence, but it feels a little less like a prison.

"You've got twenty-four hours," the guard says as he ushers you into the house. He shuts the door behind you and you hear the click of the lock.

"Finally," Gabriel says. He stands from the bed and walks towards you, pushing you up against the door. "I've been waiting for you for forever," Gabe growls. His lips attach to your neck; he kisses, sucks, and bites your skin.

"Careful Gabe," you warn, "You know they don't like it when you get rough."

"Ah, but you do don't you?" Gabe asks. You moan and let your head fall back against the door as Gabe bites down on your shoulder. Gabe runs his hands along your sides, trying to re-familiarize himself with your body.

You card you fingers through his hair before cupping his face between your hands. Pushing him away slightly, you catch a glimpse of his whiskey colored eyes before he crashes his lips against yours. His tongue thrusts into your mouth and his hands begin working on unbuttoning your shirt.

It had been so long since you'd been with Gabe like this. All you wanted to do was tear his clothes off and fuck him. Apparently, he felt the same. Gabe pushes your shirt from your shoulders and lets it fall to the floor. His hands run over your bare skin, raising goose bumps in their wake. You reach for the front of his jumper and pull the snaps open.

You drag your nails down his back as you draw him towards you, wanting to feel his body against yours. Gabe pushes the obnoxiously orange jumpsuit down around his ankles and kicks it to the side. He pushes his body against yours and you can feel how hard he is through his boxers.

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