I Know Who You Are (Dean x Reader)

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One Week Writers Challenge Prompt: "I know who you are."

Request: Could you do a fic where the reader is a male ;) is curse by a witch to be a woman, he was actually a jerk. The reader is bisexual, he had a crush on Dean, at first he is scared and notice that Dean is distant with him, he tries find out why when he is alone with Dean. They end up hook up lot of smut if you don't mind and it's up to you if the reader stay a woman or turn back as a male. Thank you and I hope you don't mind :)

Reader Sex: Female (previously male before the witch's spell)

Reader Gender: Male

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2,705

Warnings: Reader is put under a spell that changes their sex, language, smut, oral

A/N: I was a little confused about the being a jerk part, so I hope this is okay. I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted. This is also part of the Dean Winchester one week writers challenge that I was tagged in (thanks for tagging me!).


When you woke up, something was different. You can feel the changes as you roll over in your bed. Your body felt wrong, readjusted, certain parts replaced with others.

"What the Hell?" you ask aloud as you throw back the sheets, your voice foreign. Your hands instantly fly to your body, examining the new curves and contours. "This is insane," you whisper to yourself. You couldn't believe what your hands were telling you; you needed to see it for yourself.

As quietly as you can, you tiptoe down the hallway to the nearest bathroom, hoping not to wake either of the boys before you could find out what the Hell was going on. When you reach the bathroom, you flick on the light and shut the door, your eyes instantly glued to the full length mirror hanging behind it.

If you didn't believe your hands, you certainly didn't believe your eyes. Almost everything about you had changed. Your hair, though the same color, was longer than it had been before. Your features were all more feminine. Though covered by your baggy sleeping clothes, you can tell the shape of your body had changed. Your hips are wider and where your chest had once been flat, your breasts were now large and plump.

It must've been the witch you and Dean had hunted down last night. His last act on this earth had been to fling some curse at you. It had knocked you on your ass, but other than that you felt fine, until now that is.

The sudden twist of the doorknob makes you jump. You hadn't locked the door, so you lunge forward, pressing your full body weight against the door in an effort to keep it closed.

"I'm in here," you say, your voice a higher pitch than usual.

"Who the Hell are you?" Dean asks, "And why are you in my damn bathroom? Did Y/N, bring you here last night?"

"Y/N? Um yeah, he did," you say, hoping that Dean will just go away.

"Figures," Dean says under his breath, adding louder, "Just hurry it up in there Sweetheart, I've got places to be."

"Yeah, sure," you answer. Pressing your ear to the door, you listen to Dean's footsteps echoing down the hall until they fade out of earshot. You slowly open the door and slip into the hallway, making your way back to your room.

Rummaging through your wardrobe, you try to find something to wear. Nothing fits correctly. You didn't have a bra, your pants hung wrong, and your shirts pulled tight across your chest. Any shirt with buttons gapped open and your t-shirts wrinkled where your breasts made the fabric confining.

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