Baby It's Cold Inside (Henry x Reader)

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Request: No specific request. I got a request for some winter fics and some Henry Winchester fics, so I combined the two and this is what I came up with!

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Henry Winchester x Reader

Summary: The heat in the bunker has gone out, so Henry takes it upon himself to keep the reader warm.

Word Count: 2,237

Warnings: Just fluffy smut!

A/N: This is my first Henry fic, so I hope you guys like it!


"God, it's freezing in here," you comment, shivering. You pull your flannel shirt tighter around you and try to focus on the article you were skimming. Sam and Dean had gone on a hunt and you had volunteered to stay behind in the bunker to help with research. It wasn't that you particularly liked research; it was more that you found Henry intriguing. You'd never met a time traveler before, but the concept had always interested you. On top of that, he was sweet and charming, not to mention gorgeous; no, scratch that, not gorgeous. He was Sam and Dean's grandfather, finding him attractive wouldn't be appropriate.

"It is rather cold," Henry replies, his eyes flicking back and forth across the page in front of him. You gasp as a cold chill tears through you, making your whole body shake. Henry looks up at you with concern.

"Sorry," you say, blushing, "Cold chill." Henry huffs a laugh before standing and leaving the room. His actions were odd, but you decide to brush them off and continue on your research.

After some time, you hear the clicking of shoes getting nearer. "It's snowing outside," Henry announces, "And the heat's gone out."

"Great," you huff, "That explains it."

"Yes, well, it's only going to get colder in here," Henry reasons, "With the heat gone and this being such a large space to keep warm, we'll be frozen soon."

"Lovely thought," you snark, shivering again.

"Go to the living room," Henry says, moving closer, "It's a little warmer in there." Standing by your side, Henry removes his blue suit jacket and drapes it over your shoulders.

"Henry, don't," you say, "You need it." Henry smiles and shakes his head.

"I'll be fine," he says, his hand cupping your cheek, "You're shivering. Just go to the living room like I said. I'll be back in a moment."

"Thanks," you whisper, pulling the jacket tighter around you as Henry leaves the room. He'd never touched you like that before and it made your heart flutter. No, stop it, he was your friend's granddad. In what universe is that normal?

As quickly as you can, you run towards the living room, trying to keep your feet off the cold ground as much as possible. Plopping down on the large sofa, you pull your knees up to your chest and pull Henry's jacket around you. The smell of him lingers on the cloth and it's intoxicating. You can't help yourself from imagining him touching you, kissing you, even though you knew you shouldn't. The thoughts distract you enough to keep you from realizing he's returned.

"I found these," Henry says, making you jump. Turning around, you see him holding out an arm full of blankets towards you. "This might be helpful too," Henry adds as he hands you the blankets. You spread the material out across the couch as Henry moves to plug in the space heater he found.

Once he's got the machine running, he takes a seat in one of the chairs off to the side. "Henry, what are you doing?" you ask, "Come over here, it's freezing!"

My Supernatural Oneshots (Multi chapter stories are found outside of this book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora