Happy Birthday (Castiel x Reader)

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Request: Hey there I am sorry if I am bothering you but today was my birthday and it didn't quite end the way I wanted it to, I got sick. But I was hoping that you could maybe write a Castiel fic for me? Birthday related with smut would be lovely. Thank you!

Reader Gender: Female anatomy, but no gender pronouns

Pairing: Castiel x Reader

Word Count: 1,524

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex

A/N: Hey! You're not being a bother. I'm sorry your birthday didn't go the way you wanted it to. I hope you're feeling better, and happy belated birthday!


You shut the door to your room and drop your bag to the floor. A groan escapes your lips as you plop down onto your bed. The springs creak in protest, echoing how your body feels. Today's hunt had been long and hard and it had taken its toll on you.

Patiently, you wait for Cas to finish up healing the boys before he comes to heal you. The flutter of wings announces his arrival and you turn to face him, a groan escaping your lips at the movement. Cas rushes to your side and takes your hand. "What happened to you?" Cas asks, concern invading his voice.

"Not my best hunt," you say with a bitter laugh, "Just my luck that I'd get all banged up on my birthday."

"Your birthday?" Cas asks, "Why did you not tell anyone?"

"Didn't seem important," you respond, shrugging your shoulders.

"Of course it's important," Cas says, "For angels, it's not a 'big deal' as you would put it; but for humans with such short lives, it's a special day."

"Thanks for making me feel old, Castiel," you say jokingly.

"I apologize, that was not what I intended," Cas responds. He drops his gaze and turns his attention to healing you. Cas' hands trail along your body, healing you as he goes.

"It's ok Cas, I was only kidding," you tell him. The pain leaves your body as your wounds heal. You roll your shoulders and stretch your body experimentally, everything feeling right again. Cas takes your hand again and looks back up at you cautiously.

"Happy birthday Y/N," he says sheepishly.

"Thanks Cas," you respond.

"I wish I had a gift to give you," he says almost to himself.

"Don't worry about it Cas, it's -" you're about to tell him it's fine when he presses his lips against yours. You'd fantasized about this moment time and time again, but you never imagined anything would actually happen between you and the angel. Cas pulls away from you, his blue eyes examining the look of shock that was plastered across your face.

"Cas," you whisper. You take his face between your hands and crash your lips against his. His arms slip around your waist and he pulls you into his lap. "You're not just doing this because you feel bad for me are you?" you ask, pulling away from him.

"No," Cas responds, "I've wanted this for some time." You smile at him. The angel you wanted wanted you too. Cas pulls you in and presses his lips to yours again, slow and gentle. His tongue swipes along your lower lip and you easily grant him entrance.

Cas shifts, laying you on the bed and settling himself above you. His tongue maps out your mouth, more demanding than before. Cas' hands move to unbutton your shirt. His lips trail down your neck and kiss each patch of newly exposed skin as he opens your shirt. He leaves kisses down your abdomen, his tongue dipping into your navel before he reaches the waistband of your pants. Cas' fingers move to the button of your pants and undoes them. He pulls them down and you lift your hips to make it easier for him. Cas pulls them from your body and tosses them to the side. He presses a kiss to your cloth covered clit and your hips buck off the bed before he hooks his fingers in the waistband of your panties. Cas drags his fingers along your skin as he pulls your panties from you.

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