-+Yours+- Laurance x Reader

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I know I said that I would take a break, but I wanna get SOMETHING out even if it's really short.
This takes place in Lovers Lane.

Warning: incredibly short

(Please read the end)

It's normal for people in a relationship to argue.

"Oh my Irene-- Laurance, that goes past the point I'm making!" He shook his head. "Don't care!"

Soon enough you had enough of it. "Okay-- THAT'S IT!" You blurted out and he stared at you; curiousty flashing in his eyes. (Barry Allen)

"Takes what's yours-- AND GET OUT!"


He walked I've towards you, picking you up on his shoulders and left the house.


"You said to take what's mine and get out."

You sighed at him, rolling your eyes.

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

Cringy, I know..

Anyways, would you guys like a Flash book by any chance? The 2014 show.

Like a one-shot book mixed in with a boyfriend scenario?

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