Twenty Two

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It's 9:30 currently and I'm eating cake while checking my emails.

"Cake for breakfast?" Harry questions as he sits across from me in the dining room.

"Yep." I eat another piece. My eyes look up to him. He's wearing a white shirt and his typical grey sweatpants that I tend to steal.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Good, yourself?"

"Good." I lick my lips that have vanilla icing on them and glance back to Harry who's tugging his hand through his hair.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"Better. The new meds Dr. Faron put me on seem to be evening me out if that makes sense." I smile gently. All I want is for him to feel better and not be sad. I really hate seeing him look like he's going to cry.

"That's good." I say. I finish off my piece of cake.

"Is coconut cake your favourite cake?"

"Yep." I lick my fork. "What's yours?"


"That's boring."

"I'm a boring person so it's fine." I laugh.

"What's your favorite type of icing?" I ask. I think it's cream cheese icing.

"Cream cheese icing." Harry answers. I smile to myself.


"Whatever one is on coconut cake." I say.

"I think it's butter milk."

"Or is vanilla?" Harry gives me the I don't know face. "I'm going to take a shower before Bell comes over." I say while standing. Harry nods and sips his tea.


As I'm butt naked, ready to get into the shower I realize there are no towels. I groan and slide up my shorts and my shirt.

"Harry are there any clean towels left?" I ask as I enter our bedroom.

"Try the ones you left on the bed." He says with a humorous smile. My head tilts and I grab them.

"Thank you." I say.

"Uhuh." My eyes stare back at his lips that I haven't kissed in months. They look soft and gentle.

I snap out of my thoughts and turn my heel to walk out of the bedroom.

Harry quickly grabs my hand causing the neatly folded towels to fall out of my grip. His hands grasp my cheeks softly and he presses his lips against mine.

My heart is pounding against my chest roughly and I soon kiss back. His hands leave my cheeks and fall to my waist. His tongue dips into my mouth causing a light whimper to leave my lips.

We both soon pull away. Both our chests are rising and falling heavily. "I can wait with having sex but I couldn't go on with not kissing you." I smile gently and go on my tippy toes and peck his lips.

As I pull back he leans in and kisses me making me laugh against his mouth. "Go take your shower before I can't let you go." Harry mumbles against my lips.


"How's my favorite niece?" I ask Bell as I sweep her into my arms. She giggles against me and I kiss her cheek.

"I'm your only niece." The three year old remarks.

"Aunt Ellie could be having a girl. You never know." I ruffle her hair.

Sadie and Harry chat shortly and Bell says goodbye to her Mum.

"Do you have Disney channel?" Bell asks me. I nod.

We walk over to the living room and I sit on the couch. My niece sits between my legs and rests her head against my chest. I turn on the station she has requested.

"I like this show." She says.

I don't remember much of Disney besides the old shows. All I know is now they're not as good.

Harry sits beside me and smiles gently. I smile back and poke his dimple peeking through his cheek.

Harry POV

It's around two and May and Bell are making cupcakes.

Bell is showing May how to make them since Sadie and Bell bake a lot. It's cute to watch May be out of her element with baking.

"Aunt May you have stir harder." Bell giggles.

"I'm weak but I'll try harder."

"Uncle Harry can you stir Aunt May's batter? She's not doing well." May laughs and steps aside. I stir the batter and it becomes smooth.

"That's not even funny. What was I doing wrong?" May asks.

"It takes time because-"

"I swear if you say because you used to work in a bakery I will kick you." I laugh at May.

"You used to work in a bakery?" Bell's blue eyes widen. I look to May who rolls her eyes playfully.

"Yes, I used too. I know the store owner, one day we'll have to down there and make cupcakes in a professional kitchen."

"Really?" Her eyes look happy.

"Yep." I ruffle her straight brown hair. Bell looks more like Sadie than she does her Dad. It's cool to see the resemblance between the two.


Bell and May fell asleep while watching some old Disney movie. Bell's head is against May's chest and they both look comfortable.

I enjoy watching May with Bell. She gets all happy and mother like which I like watching. She would've been a great Mom, and I hope she knows that.

I stand up and grab the blanket resting on the end of the couch. I drape it over them both and smile softly.



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I hope you guys are excited for future chapters


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