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May POV {2 and 1/2 months later}

Harry might hate me.

Key word might.

"M-Mommy he's so cute!" Finn says while holding the micro pig.

Now, this is a funny story.

I was walking into Walmart, which I hardly ever do. Now I know why.

And this one lady was selling her micro pig. If she didn't sell him, he would die. I already felt bad that they messed with his genetics to make him small and I didn't want him to die.

So I bought him.

He was only 100 dollars. I paid with cash.

I hope Harry's not mad when he comes back from work. If he is I can blame my pregnancy.

"Can we n-name him BJ?" My face heats. "B-Baxter junior."

"Uh, sure yeah." I say with a chuckle.

Finn kisses the pigs head and smiles.

"May!" I hear Harry's voice shout from downstairs.

"I'll go talk to Daddy." I say to Finn who nods.

I stand up and walk downstairs.

"Hi." I say with a smile. He pecks my lips.

"I picked up Chinese. I wasn't in the mood to cook." I nod. I still smile. "Oh god, what did you do?"

"What do you mean?"

BJ runs down the steps. Finn follows and picks him up.

Harry's eyes look at me. They're scowling. "You bought a pig?"

"Micro pig." He remains silent.

"We're not keeping it."

"It's a him." I add.

"His name is BJ." Finn adds. "Please D-Daddy. Can we keep him?"

"I like bacon. I don't want to own a pig. This will make me feel guilty." He sighs. "Finn can you give your Mom and I a minute?" He nods and goes upstairs.

"Explain." Harry tells me.

"I went to Walmart for toothpaste and this one lady was selling her micro pig. If she didn't sell him, he would die. And I didn't want him to die. He's so cute."

"Didn't I tell you not to go shopping alone now?" Harry asks. "Last week you bought tiles for the kitchen and forgot why you did." My eyes scowl. "The lady only said he would die because she wants to get rid of him." Harry tells me. "She tricked you."

"She did not." I argue. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't think."

"We're going to raise another baby soon. We have Baxter still, and Finn. We can't raise a micro pig."

"He can only live up to 5 years." I add. "He's 2 already and I want him to have the best life as possible." My eyes well up and Harry tilts his head at me.

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