Forty Two

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Christmas is next week.

This also means that I'm last minute Christmas shopping.

I'm with Bell currently. She's the only one I already bought stuff for.

Her hand is with mine as we walk through the mall. "Are you excited for Christmas?" I ask my niece. She nods with a wide smile. Her blue eyes look up at me.

"Are you?" She asks.

"Eh," I say honestly. Usually I'm always with Harry on Christmas and we go to his parents house. Sadness fills my chest.

This is going to be our first Christmas away from each other in 5 years.

"Uncle Harry!" I hear Bell exclaim loudly. I break out of my thoughts and look up and see Harry kneeling down and hugging her. His shopping bags are on the floor and a gentle smile is on his lips.

I bite my lip and watch them. Soon they break away from their hug and his green eyes look at me. I haven't spoken to him in over a month.

"Hello." He says softly to me.

"Hi." I murmur. Bell looks at me and tilts her head.

"I'm gonna sit over there." She says while pointing to the chairs not too far from us. Before I can say anything she walks away. I can still keep my eyes on her.

"Last minute shopping?" He observes.

"As always. You?"

"Yeah. I just picked some up stuff for my parents and sister. They're always hard to shop for." I would always pick out the things for his Mom and sister since he can never pick out anything good for them.

"What did you decided to get them?" I ask. My eyes look to the bags in his hands.

"I got my Mom a scarf and my sister a sweater. Then I got my Dad some sort of dress pants that he likes." I tilt my head at him. "I know, they're shitty gifts." I chuckle. I look to Bell who's sipping the milk shake I got her. "Anyways I'll let you get back to hanging out with Bell." I bite my lip.

Harry's eyes look into mine and he smiles gently. "How are you?" I ask.

"Okay. You?"

"I'm okay." I murmur. His mouth opens to speak then closes. "We'll catch up soon, yeah?"

He nods. "Sounds good. Nice seeing you May."

"Nice seeing you too." We both go our own directions and I feel my chest tighten.

I sit across from Bell who still casually sips her drink. "That looked painful." I laugh.

"Thanks." My laughter calms down.

"Wanna sip?" She offers.

"Hm, thank you." I sip her vanilla milkshake and give it back to her.

We both soon stand up and resume our shopping.


I return back to my apartment at six. I dropped Bell of a half a hour ago.

I sit down on my bed and fall back. My hands rub my eyes tiredly and my teeth bite my lower lip.

I take my phone resting beside me and unlock it. I scroll through my camera roll and just look through the photos of Harry and I. One of my favourites is the one of him and I cuddling on the couch while watching TV. I always smile while looking at that photo. That day overall was very relaxing and fun with him.

My teeth dig deeper in my lower lip.

Over this month I've gotten a job that pays very well. I'm an editor like I wanted to be. I enjoy my job. Also, I got my own apartment. It's a decent amount a month and I've decorated it the way I like.

The only thing that I hate is coming home to no one and going to bed by myself.

I hope Harry's okay. He doesn't look as sad as that one day at the apartment. Thinking about that day makes my stomach turn.

I let out a deep breath and pull my empty pillow into my chest.



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