Twenty Seven

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My eyes open to the TV on low. The room is dark and Harry's body is against mine. I look up at him and see he's staring at the TV. Soon he looks back at me. "Hello." He greets.

"What time is it?"

"9." I yawn.

"My bosses want me to go to California next week." My stomach drops.

"Oh." I say.

"I want you to go with me though." My eyes widen slightly.

"I'll get in your way." I say.

"I only have to work 8 to 2:30. We can go exploring after. It will be our first sort of vacation together. Plus I'll miss you too much if you don't go with me." I bite my lower lip.

"Planes scare me." I admit. Harry cracks a smile.

"It's only an hour plane ride. But we'll have fun. It's almost winter so we can't go to the beach, but we can still go around exploring." His fingers stroke my hair back. His lip begins to pout. "Please." I laugh.

"I won't be a bother to you?"

"Of course not." He kisses me. "Plus, I can't be more then a day away from you so."

"You probably can." His head shakes.

"I'd rather not find out." i chuckle gently. "Is that a yes?"

I let out a deep breath. "Yeah, I'll go with you." I answer. It's not like I have a job I need to worry about anyways so, I can go. I'm just scared of planes and heights.

"Great, I'll tell my bosses we're going."

"Do I need to pack anything nice?"

"There might be one formal dinner but that's about it. Just pack that red dress you wore last time."

"Won't people recognize it?" I ask.

"No, it's with different people."

"Do you like that dress? Or should I bring the black one?"

"The red one. I like red on you." Harry smiles gently. 


"Okay." He kisses me again.

Harry POV

People at the office have been acting weird. When I would enter the room the talking will go silent and everyone's eyes go to me.

"Here's your paperwork Mr. Styles." My co worker, Tara says the following morning. Her blonde hair is a bun and her glasses fall to the front of her nose.

"Thanks." I answer. "May I ask why is everyone acting weird while I walk into a room?"

"They're scared you'll fire them like Tasha." Tara answers plainly. She's the only woman here who I respect. She doesn't flirt with me, she does her work, and she's kind.

"Really?" Tara nods.

"I guess they feel guilty for flirting with you too." I release a chuckle.

My eyes glance to the group of whispering women at the cubicles near us. "Anyways, I'll see you in this mornings meeting." I say to Tara who nods.

"Is there a problem?" I ask the group. All of their faces flush.

"No, why?"

"You're hovering and whispering."

"Is uh Tara your girlfriend?" My eyebrows furrow.

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"Just by the way you were talking to her." Liz speaks. I hate Liz.

"I can talk to a female and be kind. It's the ones like you who start shit I don't. Get back to work before you have any." I spit. The group of 4 walk away quickly.

"Someone has anger issues." A voice comments behind me. I turn around and see Niall.

"Piss off. They're a bunch of lonely twats." He follows me to my office.

"Is May going to California with you?"

"She is." I speak.

"Me, you, May, and my wife should go out for dinner then."

"Sounds like a plan." I say while sitting down in my office chair.

"Did you get a ring yet?"

"I did."

"When are you going to pop the question?"

"When we're better. Maybe around her birthday?"

"What if she says no? Everyday around her birthday she'll remember you."

"Don't say that shit Niall." I say quickly. He laughs loudly and rests his leg on his knee.

"Can I ask ya something?"

"Sure." I let out a deep breath and look up at him.

"Not to bring her up but I've been curious," Niall pauses. "Do you ever wonder if Lily never died where you guys would be?"

"Not a lot but sometimes." I admit. "I don't really like to think about it though."


"Because I might not be where I am now." Niall nods.

"I'm just glad you've moved on." Niall stands. "Tell May I said hello. I'll see ya in the meeting." I nod and rest back in my chair. My office door shuts and I think.

May won't say no when I ask her to marry me, right? She'll say yes and everything will be good.

Why the fuck did Niall have to say that?

I turn on my computer and take out my phone. My lock screen is a photo of May and I. Her head is nuzzled into my chest and smile is on her pink lips. My home screen is just a photo of her.

I like to check my phone during the day and see a photo of her, because I get reminded of the girl I get to go home too every night and fall asleep next too.


as a heads up next chapter is going to be wayyyy different

As a hint, it's going to be a tb to stuttering May ;)

comment goal: 50???

tysm for reading :)


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